Media Wing Brahma Kumaris

Abdul Kalam’s Convention 2020 in Hyderabad : Vice President of India Attends

Hyderabad, Jan 28: Abdul Kalam’s Convention 2020 was organised at Brahma Kumaris Shanti Sarovar Retreat Centre here on a large scale, with the enthusiastic participation of over 2500 Youth and Children from various colleges and schools. Participants received godly message from Brahma Kumaris and inspirational messages by eminent dignitaries.

Eminent dignitaries :

and several others.

BK Kuldeep Didi, Director, Brahma Kumaris, Hyderabad addressed the gathering with inspirational godly message and presented godly gifts to the dignitaries.

From: Brahma Kumaris, Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad

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