Ageing with Dignity – Senior Citizens Program in Adyar, Chennai


Chennai: In commemoration of the World Elderly Day falling on Oct 1, we had a program on the topic “Ageing with Dignity” conducted at Adyar for senior citizens. Respected brother BK.Dr.Mahesh N. Hemadri from Global Hospital conducted the program. The photos are attached herewith. PFA the news on the program. 

Guests of the program

1.    Smt.Meena Muthiah, Kumararani of Chettinad and Educationist

2.    Dr.Aravindan Selvaraj, Executive Director and Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon, Kauvery Hospitals, Chennai

3.    Dr.Mahesh N.Hemadri, Family Physician, Global Hospital and Research  centre

4.    Dr.Chockalingam, Senior Cardiologist

5.    Thiru.R.Subharaj.IAS(Retd), Secretary, Senior Citizens Support Forum

6.    Rajayogini Sister BK.Muthumani, Brahma Kumaris, Adyar, Chennai

Key Note of the speech delivered by Each Speaker

Rajayogini Sister BK.Muthumani

Sister delivered the welcome address and mentioned that it’s the need of the hour to educate elderly people on maintaining their physical and mental well being.

Smt.Meena Muthiah, Kumararani of Chettinad and Educationist

She mentioned that the younger generation is tech savvy. Along with such programs for elderly people, need to educate the youth also on values etc., She applauded the services of Brahma Kumaris for both the youth and the elderly.

Dr.Aravindan Selvaraj, Executive Director and Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon, Kauvery Hospital, Chennai

He iterated on the need to be financially and physically independence. The senior citizens should plan to be financially strong. He also highlighted on the need to maintain a balanced diet, exercises. Also touched upon his association with Brahma Kumaris.

Dr.Chockalingam, Senior Cardiologist

He entertained the audience with his fun filled speech. Touched upon how elderly should pay attention to taking care of their health, balanced diet, avoiding tea, coffee and importance of walking so that they can stay away from heart problems.

Dr.Mahesh N.Hemadri, Global Hospital and Research

Being the key speaker of the day, brother highlighted on the following points

  • Demonstration of simple exercises to check physical balancing to prevent falling down
  • Brain exercises
  • Shared points of food practices, simple physical exercises
  • Conducted meditation at the end and everyone enjoyed the silence
  • Weight reduction exercises
  • The overall feedback of the program was excellent. It was a good awareness creating program on health, exercise, diet, physical balancing, brain exercise etc., On the whole around 250 people took benefit from it.         

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