Brahma Kumaris Celebrating Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week


Roads are like the arteries and veins of our planet; they transport us to places of purpose, and bring us back home! Let us celebrate the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week by serving and honoring the personnel from the local government’s transport and traffic departments, they are the ones who work relentlessly to keep road crashes to a minimum. Their lives are dedicated to save lives!

We invite you to join a Global Observance! And you could do this in simple, non-complicated ways!

The Week: 6th to 12th May 2019

The Theme: Leadership for Road Safety

The Event: Organize a talk for:

  • students of traffic engineering / road engineering / automobile engineering or alike
  • professionals associated with transport and/or traffic police departments

Key Pointers: The talk could enable participants to take lead in the change of individual habits and behavior, and suggest a specific elevated thought to aid self-transformation.

  • Step1: assess your driving/travel habits
  • Step2: identify one aspect that you would want to change
  • Step3: think: what will help me bring this change

For example:

  1. Assessment done
  2. Identified that I tend to check my phone often while driving & would want to change it this year!
  3. Change in thought that I will tell myself when I tend to do it next time- no update in my phone can be more important than focusing on driving!

We reinforce the pledge for personal transformation through the practice of guided meditation, and encourage the participants to share their ‘transformation’ on social media accompanied by the hashtags #UNRoadSafety week & #BKRoadSafety & #BKUN.

The Resources: Transport Wing can share resources required for various suggested activities, glimpses of which are available by viewing links as below:

Share: BK organisers are requested to share photos, video clips and brief details of their programs to via email to



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