Brahma Kumaris Honored with Award of Distinction in ​Santa Clara, California


Santa Clara (USA): As part of International Yoga Day Indo-American Wellness Conclave And Exhibition To Revisit Indian “Wellness” Heritage: Spreading the awareness of 5000 years old Indian philosophy on natural wellness and health, three-day Indo-American Wellness Conclave and Exhibition had been organized at Santa Clara Convention Centre by India Post in collaboration with many other local silicon valley organizations from 22nd to 24th June 2018.

Sr. BK Kusum Director of Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley gave a talk on spiritual wellness.  She said in her address, “Total wellness comes when I pay attention to my mind when mind experiences peace…because mind is the seed. When I pay attention to the seed, then all the branches will get the nutrients.”

Mr. Rajesh Verma, President of FIA,  handed the Award of Distinction to BK Sister Kusum for outstanding service to the World of Wellness and Indo-American Wellness Conclave and Exhibition(IAWCE) 2018.

The formal inauguration ceremony was held on Friday June 22nd where Honorable Consul General Venkatesan Ashok of San Francisco Consulate was the Chief Guest. Guests who presided over the ceremony were Sister BK Kusum, the Director of Brahma Kumaris, Silicon Valley and Many other local political dignitaries graced the occasion including Ash Kalra, Assembly Member, Lily Mei, the Mayor of Fremont, Dave Bonaccorsi, the Fremont City Council Member, Kathy Watanabe, the Vice Mayor of Santa Clara, Darcy Paul, the Mayor of Cupertino, Anu Natarajan, the former Vice Mayor of Fremont, Kansen Chu, the California State Assembly Member and Rishi Kumar, the Saratoga Council member,Dr. Jayarajan Kodikannath, the Academy Director, Kerala Ayurveda USA.

Dr. Romesh Japra, Chairman and Convener of FIA/FOG(Federation of Indo-Americans of Northern California/ Festival of Globle) and the Conclave and Publisher of India Post, Rajesh Verma, President of FIA, Manorama Joshi, Fremont Hindu Temple trustee and Rajesh Sharma, Director of Phoenix Expovent and India Post, represented their respective organizations on the stage during the lamp lighting ceremony.

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