Brahma Kumaris in Texas Join Mahatma Gandhiji’s 149th Birthday Celebration


Houston, Texas, USA (OCT 2018):  Brahma Kumaris in Texas joined the Consulate General of India and the Mahatma Gandhi Library for a 1000 Lights of Peace program in celebration of Mahatma Gandhi’s 149th birthday.

BK Dr Hansa Raval, Director, Brahma Kumaris Rajayoga Centre  shared her personal experience of putting a garland on Gandhiji when she was a little girl, and in return Gandhiji put the garland back on her.  Dr. Hansaben attributed Gandhiji’s success to his vows of chastity and renunciation, his belief that God is Truth, and especially the support and strength he received from his wife Kasturba.  Dr. Hansaben emphasized Katurba’s role as an equal partner in India’s independence movement, as she spent many years in jail, solitary confinement and hard labor camp.  Kasturba left the body while she was under house arrest.

United States Congressman Al Green (Texas) in his remarks said Mahatma Gandhi was the torchbearer before Nelson Mandela in South Africa and Martin Luther King in the USA. Gandhi gave the world the paradigm of peace without force and today the world needs a Mahatma Gandhi, Green said.

India’s consul-general in Houston, Dr. Anupam Ray, in his address pointed out that Gandhi was a luminous character and he lived among us today, as evidenced by the large gathering at the event.

The event ended with a beautiful candle lighting ceremony.

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