Chief Minister of U.P. & Union Agriculture Minister Inaugurated Fair on “Sustainable Yogic Agriculture” in Lucknow


Lucknow: Mr. Yogi Adityanath, Hon. Chief Minister, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh State, Mr. Radha Mohan Singh, Hon. Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India, Mr. Surya Pratap Shahi, Agriculture Minister, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh State, Rajayogini BK Sarla, Chairperson of Agriculture and Rural Development Wing, RERF, Mehsana inaugurated the Agriculture Fair on “Sustainable Yogic Agriculture for Holistic Peace and Happiness” organized by the Agriculture and Rural Development Wing (R.E.R.F.) and Brahma Kumaris at Krishi Kumbh-2018 in Lucknow.

Mr. Prem Kumar, Agriculture Minister of Bihar along with senior level officials also visited the fair.

Highlights of the Fair: Practices of Ancient Agriculture, Toxic food, undue exploitation of natural resources after green revolution, methodology of Sustainable Yogic Agriculture, models showing the methodology of yogic farming, practical demonstrations of impact of seed germination – with and without meditation, produces of yogic farming, glimpses of yogic farming are displayed. LED display of short films on various aspects of Sustainable Agriculture have been center of attraction. Practical Meditation is being taught in the meditation room.

About “Krishi Kumbh-2018”: The Government of Uttar Pradesh in association with the Government of India organized this mega Agriculture Expo “Krishi Kumbh-2018” – International Conference and Exhibition from 26-28 October 2018 at Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research Lucknow. Participation of over one lakh farmers is expected in this mega event besides several ministers, senior Government officials and other Policy makers, international organizations, heads of banks and development institutions and captains of industries working in this vast area. Honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi inaugurated the three-day long Krishi Kumbh-2018 in Lucknow through video conferencing.

The Ministers, Scientists group from Israel and Japan, Senior officials from Agriculture department, BK Representation from Lucknow including BK Radha, BK Indira, BK Badri Vishal, BK Mahendra also attended the programme.

Hindi News: 

“सम्पूर्ण सुख शांति का आधार, शाश्वत यौगिक खेती” विषय पर उत्तर प्रदेश सरकार द्वारा आयोजित कृषि कुंभ का उद्घाटन करते उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्रि योगी आदित्य नाथ जी, केन्द्रीय कृषि मंत्री राधामोहन जी, कृषि मंत्री उत्तर प्रदेश सूर्य प्रताप शाही जी, इजराइल के वैज्ञानिक, अनेक अन्य मंत्रीगण, विभिन्न वरिष्ठ अधिकारी, सरला दीदी जी राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्षा ग्राम विकास प्रभाग, राधा दीदी जी, इन्द्रा दीदी जी लखनऊ।

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