Community Award by the President of Iceland to Brahma Kumaris, Lotus House.


Every year the biggest newspaper in Iceland FRETTABLADID gives out community ​awards to​ individuals and organizations that do extraordinary ​services to improve the community.​ There are ​awards given in 6 different categor​ies​, and the main ​award is for organizations.

This year ​Brahma Kumaris, Iceland​ was designated in the category of organizations.​ ​Three organizations were chosen as finalists by the
com​m​ittee and the first ​award amounts to 10.000 Euros.

This year the first ​award went to ​Brahma Kumaris, ​Lotus House​, Reykjavik, Iceland​. ​The new ​​president of Iceland Gudni Th​.​Johannesson ​conferred the ​award on its Director, Sister BK Sigrun Olsen​.

Please see the attached Press Clippings and Photos.​

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