From Powerless to Powerfull – Meditation for World Peace


London, GCH, 20 Jan:  Approximately 150 people were present for this message of hope and to experience an hour of calm at Brahma Kumaris Overseas HQ, Global Cooperation House here.

Arnold Desser introduced the evening by firstly telling a bit about himself as a meditator at Global Cooperation House for over 20 years. He stressed that the world is “warming up” and it is not just what is happening in UK (referring to BREXIT). In introducing the topic – from Powerless to Powerful, Arnold took the audience through a visualisation exercise, asking them ‘to imagine a Cadbury’s Chocolate Orange and its segments and imagine 90 countries around the world at 6:30 pm local time, starting from India, that a light begins to shine; and zone after zone each is lit up with the power of meditation. Soon in our gathering, here in London we will add to the powerful radiation of light of peace to the world’, as he completed the visualisation.  He introduced and invited Sister Jayanti on stage, stating that the evening event is made more special as it marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the Founder, Brahma Baba.

Sister Jayanti, European Director, Brahma Kumaris, London has dedicated the last 50 years of her life to meditation, spiritual study, self-transformation and service to humanity. She is a pioneer advocate for the spiritual basis of caring for the earth and has been a presenter at the UN Climate Change Conferences since 2009.

Sister Jayanti greeted everyone with Om Shanti, the greeting of peace. She introduced the need for this hour of meditation for the world by stating that “our inner state impacts our outer state” and this does not just apply to our personal world but also collectively:

‘If a group of people can come together and hold the vibration of peace and love, then that vibration can benefit the world. This is really “expanding silence. In that silence connecting with the Divine, we will inevitably connect with the original qualities of the soul. She explained the term ‘drishti’ and how making eye contact has now become a popular activity, although it is something the BK’s have practised for 83 years.

On the Theme Powerless to Powerful, Sister Jayanti gave two reasons why many find it difficult to have powerful meditation. Both reasons relate to a lack in the capacity to discipline the mind in a way we would like to; and so, difficulty comes in our ability to focus and secondly to concentrate. We need a new vision/reality… an understanding of what needs to be done in the world.

Negativity surrounds us in the form of anger, aggression, greed, ego. These drain us, leaving us powerless. She explained the idea of detachment and how through connecting with the Divine power, we can return to our own situation using the power of love and truth to deal with whatever comes in the way.

The evening then proceeded with an hour of silence from 6:30 pm. The silence was interspersed with meditation commentaries guided by Sister Jayanti and, also by music. There was ‘pin-drop’ silence in the hall throughout the hour as Sister Jayanti took the audience into the depth of peace, love and truth.

At the end of the hour Arnold returned to the stage to thank Sister Jayanti. He even shared his experience during the hour, saying that he felt bits and pieces of falling into silence, eventually becoming deeper and longer. He likened it to being in an hour glass, and silence falling onto him as the sand does in the hour glass. The vibrations of love, peace and benevolence were experienced in that way.

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