Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Famous Opera Singer, Bolshoi Theatre, Visits Brahma Kumaris in Moscow


Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, famous opera singer, Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow visits Brahma Kumaris Center in Moscow.

Moscow ( Russia ): Two amazing guests, known all over the world for their unique talents, Mrs. Lyubov Yurievna Kazarnovskaya, an opera singer who performed on the most famous stages of the world, visited the Brahma Kumaris Center together with her husband Mr. Robert Roszik, a famous music producer.

The creative potential soul of the famous singer has been looking for a way out since childhood. Even as a small child, she was constantly singing, and everyone said: “Lyubka (nick name) is an actress.”

After school, she was going to enter the Faculty of Journalism, but became a student of the famous Gnessin State Musical College, Moscow. One cannot escape from the destiny.

Probably, the meeting at the Center of Spiritual Development was also predestined. Everyone had a feeling that they met very close soul-mates who have known each other for a long time, just haven’t seen each other for ages. As a sign of greeting, the dear guests were presented with white Indian shawls, which, with their softness and warmth, reminded of motherly love and care.

BK Sudha, Director, Brahma Kumaris, Moscow and several listeners showed the building of the Center, which has the symbolic name “Lighthouse of the World”.

The guests watched with great attention a short film about the activities, about those programs and socially significant projects that are carried out by the centre. They also had the chance for a deep conversation with Didi about spiritual Knowledge and Raja Yoga, about how spiritual wisdom helps a person to transform life for the better, and such like topics.

“How accurate and logical everything is…” Lyubov Yurievna sincerely said.

Lyubov Yurievna has not only a unique soprano timbre and bright charisma, but also a natural gift to talk openly with people about the most important and intimate things. In numerous interviews, on her YouTube channel, at creative evenings, she shares her thoughts and feelings with the public, touching upon actual issues and topics.

The couple spent a few minutes in the meditation room “The Point” and gained special experience of Raja Yoga meditation.

Lyubov Yurievna wrote a few lines in the Book of reviews:

“It is an absolute delight and happiness to be at the Spiritual University among those who understand and know that originally each one of us is ‘light, immortal soul’ and that we create this world with our good wishes and Brotherly-Sisterly Love!   Yours L. Kazarnovskaya”.


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