Media Persons Call for Coverage of more Positive News to Restore the Credibility of Media


Abu Road/Mt Abu : Media professionals and experts from various parts of the country have called for more coverage of positive news, and for youth taking up journalism to be educated about the values of the profession, in order to help restore the credibility of the media.

In a resolution passed at the conclusion of a four-day national media conference on ‘Spiritual Wisdom and Rajyoga for Peace and Happiness — Role of Media’, more than 1,500 media persons, journalism professors, public relations officials and others also stressed that journalists become more spiritually aware to serve society better.

Rajyoga could help journalists relieve stress and was a means to experiencing peace and happiness, they said, adding that it should be promoted by the media.

The conference was organised by Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya and Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation (RERF) at their Shantivan campus in Abu Road, Rajasthan.

Important issues related to the media were discussed in seven open sessions during the conference. In addition, five sessions dedicated to Rajyoga were held.

Speaking during the valedictory session on September 17, B K Atam  Prakash, Vice Chairperson of the Media Wing of RERF, said humanity had seen political, industrial and information revolutions, but now a spiritual revolution was needed to address the moral decay seen all around.

B K Yudhishthir, Associate Editor of The World Renewal magazine, said man seemed to have lost direction, and “positive journalism” was needed to guide people. But journalists could be positive only if they introspected and realised spiritual truths, he said.

Journalists could benefit society when they worked to serve without greed for money or influence, he added.

M B Jayaram, Chief Mentor, Public Relations Council of India, said journalists needed self-education, and more events should be held in different parts of the country to discuss media-related issues.

Dr Sharad Gandhi, Chairman, Seven Stars Media, Surat, lauded the work of the Brahma Kumaris and said a language of facial expressions which he has developed could be learned and used by anyone to communicate without speaking.

B K Girish, a senior journalist and member of the Media Wing of RERF, summed up the proceedings of the conference, while B K Savita, a senior Rajyoga teacher, conducted guided meditation to give the delegates an experience of Rajyoga.

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