National Media Conference – 2022 (29th Aug to 2nd Sep 2022) At Abu Road (Mount Abu)


Cordial Invitation to

National Media Conference-2022


Solution-Based Media Towards Prosperous Bharat

29th August to 2nd September 2022


Brahma Kumaris HQ, Shantivan Campus, Abu Road, Rajasthan, India


  • Media Wing, Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation (RERF)
  • Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (PBKIVV)

World Headquarters: Mount Abu (Raj.) India

Website:  Email:

About the Conference

Every problem in the world has a definite solution. There can be no smoke without fire. Similarly, there can be no problem without a corresponding solution to it.

Every problem has its own solution hidden in it. What is needed is our solution-minded attitude and approach to find it. Solution centric mindset is the need of the hour too. It is key to awaken and sustain our determination, focus and motivation to face, fight and finish problems and challenges in life. Solution-based intent, intuition and insights are essential for all people and professionals in today’s problem-ridden society. It is all the more essential, especially for persons in the media profession.

Because such positive, proactive and optimistic attitudes and actions are the indispensable impetus and important tools which are supposed to be present in mass media professionals today, for troubleshooting in the larger public interest. And also because today’s conflicts ridden democratic society reposes high hope and trust in the Press for truthful dissemination, deep delineation, unbiased reporting and early solution of people’s day to day problems.

Since its inception, the very purpose of journalism and mass communication has been to serve people, uncover the real reason for various problems and suggest sustainable solutions to existing and emerging socio-economic, political, cultural, religious, moral, ethical and geophysical barriers and challenges.

Mass media is supposed not merely to constantly question and highlight the contentious issues, alleged lapses, malpractices, misconducts or constitutional transgressions. They are also expected to come out with creative ideas and constructive suggestions for the resolution of the vexed contentions and basic problems affecting people, society and the whole universe.

True, journalists are not social activists or reformers. But as concerned citizens and responsible watch groups of civil society, they can’t afford to stand as mute spectators in the name of media neutrality.

They need to play the pivotal role of media catalysts by continued reporting and exposing the violations of democratic values, constitutional norms, social harmony, public good, human rights and duties, till their solutions are reached.

To discuss and delineate these core issues concerning today’s media and its challenging work environment, the Media Wing of Brahma Kumaris organization is holding and hosting a National Conference on “Solution Based Media Towards Prosperous Bharat”, at its Shantivan Campus, Abu Road, Rajasthan from 29 August to 2 September 2022.

This Conference constitutes part of the organisation’s year-long All India Campaign on the said theme. This Media Campaign was launched from Brahma Kumaris HQ, Abu in January 2022, as a part of the organisation’s celebration of Desh Ki Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav. This Media Campaign / Conference is also being held under the organisation’s Canopy Theme: “Spiritual Empowerment for Kindness & Compassion” for the Year 2022-23.


Over 1500 media professionals representing different media segments, i.e., print, electronic, film, promotional & social media from all over India will be participating in the Conference.


The Conference is being held in a clean, serene, eco-friendly and peaceful environment of the Brahma Kumaris’ Shantivan Campus, Abu Road, situated at the serene foot-hills of Mount Abu in the Aravali Range of Mountains.  It is well equipped with auditoriums along with comfortable lodging, boarding, transport and medical facilities.


How to Register

Registration is free but mandatory. The Online Registration will be done on Website:

Contact us:

9414156615 (BK Shantanu, HQ Coordinator, Mt. Abu) / 9350922333 (BK Sushant, National Coordinator, Delhi) / 9010161616 (BK Sarala, National Coordinator, Hyderabad)


Visit Us: / /


Day 1: Monday, 29th August 2022

09.00 am – 06.00 pm: Registration and Check-in

10.00 am – 12.30 pm: Visit Brahma Kumaris Campuses

06.45 am – 08.15 am: Raja Yoga Meditation Session – I

Topic: Raja Yoga Meditation in Daily Life – An Introduction

06.00 pm – 08.00 pm: Welcome Session

Day 2: Tuesday, 30th August 2022

06.45 am – 08.15 am:   Raja Yoga Meditation Session – II

Topic: Discovering Your Inner Self

10.00 am – 12.30 pm:   Inaugural Session

Theme: Solution-Based Media Towards Prosperous Bharat

03:30 pm – 05.30 pm:   Parallel Dialogue Sessions

Dialogue Session – I: Print Media:

Topic: Media as Change Agent for Restoring Holistic Health & Happiness

Dialogue Session – II: Electronic & IT / Social Media:

Topic: Balancing Media’s Commercial Interests with Its Social Responsibility

Dialogue Session – III: Public Relations

Topic: Public Relations – A Profession of Concern & Compassion

06.30 pm – 08.00 pm:  Insight Session

Topic: Finding Solutions to Life’s Challenges

08.45 pm – 10.00 pm: Cultural Programme

Day 3: Wednesday, 31st August 2022

06.45 am – 08.15 am:  Raja Yoga Meditation Session – III

Topic: Understanding Supreme Being

10.00 am – 12.30 pm: Plenary Session

Topic: Role of Media in Re-establishing Golden Aged Bharat

03.30 pm – 05.30 pm: Talk Show

Topic: Need for a Proactive Media for Promoting Peace & Harmony

06.30 pm – 08.30 pm: Valedictory Session

Topic: Solution Centric Media – The Need of the Hour

Day 4: Thursday, 1st September 2022

06.45 am – 08.15 am: Raja Yoga Meditation Session – IV

Topic:  The Art & Science of Raja Yoga

10.00 am – 06.00 pm:  Sight-Seeing of Mount Abu

08.30 pm – 10.00 pm: Sharing of Experiences & Question-Answers Session

Day 5: Friday, 2nd September 2022

06.45 am – 08.15 am: Raja Yoga Meditation Session – V

Topic: Invoke Your Inner Powers

10.00 am Onwards: Departure for a New Beginning


PDF:-MEDIA CONFERENCE-2022 -Delegate Letter


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