Media Wing Brahma Kumaris

Ph.D. Degree on ‘Bhagavad Geeta’ Conferred on Dr. BK Basavaraj Rajrushi of Brahma Kumaris by Mysore University

Hubli, March 17: Prof. G. Hemantha Kumar, Vice-Chancellor, Mysore University, Mysore; Prof. B.V.R. Chowdari, Vice President, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Conferred on Doctor of Philosophy Degree to Dr. Brahmakumar Basavaraj Rajarushi, Hubli for the thesis “BHAGAVAD GITHA’S  BHAGAWAN ISHWARA, HIS INCARNATION AND DUTY” – A Spiritual Study submitted by him to the Mysore University.
The Degree was given to Rajarushi during the Convocation Ceremony at Mysore University.
Dr. Rajarushi is the Zonal Director of Brahma Kumaris centres in Hubli Zone.
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