Brahma Kumaris Chief Dadi Janki’s Visit to Pune


Pune (MH): Dadi Janki, the Chief of the Brahma Kumaris, graced the second anniversary celebrations of Brahma Kumaris Retreat Centre – Jagadamba Bhawan in Pune. She also laid the foundation stone of ‘Divya Jyoti Bhawan’ (Divine Light Building) of Pimpri service center of Brahma Kumaris. The large gathering of people, waiting eagerly for Dadi Janki, greeted her with immense love, clapping and music. BK Surekha, Incharge of Brahma Kumaris center at Pimpri, gave the welcome speech.

The opening ceremony of Dhankawadi Raja Yoga centre, named as “Vishwa Parivartan Bhavan”(World Transformation Building) was celebrated by raising the curtain by Dadi Janki. BK Sulbha, Center Incharge of Dhankawadi Center presented a Trophy to Dadi Janki.

In her address, Dadi Janki praised the residents of Pune and urged them to bring the values of honesty, cleanliness and simplicity in their daily lives. Spiritual knowledge, Rajayoga and service, should be the cornerstones of one’s life. She said that the hearts of Pune residents are filled with love. She congratulated BK Surekha on the construction of the Pimpri center.

BK Santosh, Incharge of Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana zone of Brahma Kumaris, said that the visit of Dadi Janki gives strength to everyone. One should get all powers by connecting to the Supreme, and share them with all.

BK Sunanda, Incharge of Jagadamba Bhawan as well as Pune and Kolhapur zone of Brahma Kumaris, in her address talked about the many blessings Dadi Janki brought with her, wherever she went. Her gaze gives power and peace to all.

Music and dance performances were held to celebrate the occasion. About 3000 people attended this event. BK Sanjay from Pimpri co-ordinated the program.

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