The Value of a Calm Mind


Worthing (UK): “We have forgotten the value of having a calm and peaceful mind” Sister Jayanti of the Brahma Kumaris told a gathering at Sion Senior School today.

At the event, which was organised by the Lighthhouse Retreat Centre, Sister Jayanti, a master yogi and experienced meditation teacher, was interviewed by Neville Hodgkinson, former science correspondent for The Times newspaper, on the suject of a calm mind.

Sister Jayanti explained that there are a whole range of emotions – anger, jealousy, fear – that are associated with a mind that is not calm, but when the mind is calm and peaceful we open up to joy, love and clarity. We also have a greater capacity for listening to others and for connecting with them heart-to-heart. When we learn to make the mind calm, she told the audience, life can change dramatically.

The starting point to having a calm mind, Sister Jayanti continued, is to understand that the real self is not the physical body, but the ‘inner being’. It is this inner being, the immortal soul, that creates thoughts and feelings. She then spoke a meditation commentary to help the audience turn inwards and experience themselves as souls, points of shining light.

In answer to further questions she gave the following tips for developing a calm mind:

  • Have the practice of connecting deeply with the peace and love within your own self.
  • Feed your mind at the beginning of each day with pure, elevated thoughts of your own beauty and truth.
  • Have patience with the self – personal change takes time.
  • The programme concluded with another powerful meditation commentary from Sister Jayanti and a song from singer-song writet Lou Beckerman.
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