Value-based Media for Healthy and Happy Society


To live in peace and happiness is the ultimate aim of every living being.  In fact, all pursuits are directed towards achievement of that end at individual, collective or societal sphere.

It is also equally true that health and wealth not in isolation but in combination, are essential for peace and happiness. If a person has health but no wealth or wealth but no health, in either case, the person fails to experience happiness.

In today’s time, due to limited physical perspectives and materialistic mindset, pursuit of happiness seems to be confined to sense-centric pleasures which are short lived & illusory.  As a result, people are chasing the material affluence at the cost of health, harmony and happiness in self & society.

To reverse this unhealthy trend and realize sustainable peace, progress and prosperity in all spheres of society, an attitudinal transformation from materialistic vision, mission and values to spiritual ones, is imperative.  Sufficient public awareness and sensitization of students, teachers, parents, professionals and people in general are needed for ethical, moral and spiritual value orientation of their personal, professional and social life.

In this direction, mass media being very powerful instrument and catalyst of change can play a pivotal role in social transformation. But before being able to effectively promote such spiritual wisdom, moral values, positive, simple and healthy life style among masses, the media professionals need to practice and experience such spiritual empowerment through easy raj-yoga meditation.

To spread such awareness and sensitization on the efficacy of spiritual wisdom, values, meditation, simple, positive and healthy living among media professionals, the Media Wing of Brahma Kumaris Organization’s Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation (RERF) has been carrying out campaigns and conducting Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Dialogues on Value-based Media in different parts of the country from time to time.

BK Sushant, National Coordinator, Media Wing, RERF

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