Vishwa Sahiti Award for Brahma Kumaris in Hyderabad


Hyderabad: Br. P. Srinivasa Rao ji – Hon’ble Speaker of Telangana Assembly, Br. Venkatesham ji, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt. of Telangana, Br. Padma Bhushan Varaprasad Reddy ji, Chairman Shanta Biotech presented Vishwasahiti award to Sis.BK Kuldeep, Director, Shanti Sarovar who represented BK Santosh behn, Russia for the valuable contributions towards the promotion of traditional values through Bathukamma presentation. 

Brahma Kumaris, St. Petersburg, Russia team under the coordination of BK Santosh has presented a nice dance video on Bathukamma song written by Principal Secretary, Venkatesh ji, Govt. of Telangana. About 50 teams from all over India and abroad presented their videos on the same theme. 

Brahma Kumaris presentation received the 3rd prize which was presented by eminent dignitaries at Ravindra Bharati, Hyderabad. The programme was widely covered in the Media as well. 

Brahma Kumaris Indonesia team also presented a video for which consolation award was given. 

As part of the award ceremony, Sis BK Vishnupriya of Shanti Sarovar sang 4 songs which touched the hearts of thousands of audiences.

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