100 Words of Wisdom from Dadi Janki


100 Words of Wisdom from Dadi Janki

Over the next few blogs we’ll be sharing 100 Words of Wisdom from Dadi Janki.  On the face of it, the words are simple. Yet her wisdom is timeless and practical. If you hold the words in your mind and heart, they are sure to add something different to your life.

  1. Apply the 3 ‘P’ rule to your thoughts: make them pure, positive and powerful.
  2. Remember: the quality of your thoughts and the feeling behind those thoughts has much more impact than your words.
  3. Four words create disturbance in the mind: What? Why? How? When? They make things difficult and complicated. Instead make things easy and simple.
  4. What we think about, we bring about! So, be sure to choose where you invest your thoughts.
  5. Negative thoughts create storms in the mind. Harness your mind and finish any negativity immediately.
  6. Here’s a challenge for you: not to make small things big, but make big things small.
  7. Keep thinking about the situation, and you end up making the situation bigger than it really is.
  8. Apply a full stop to any unnecessary thoughts. Think when it’s necessary. No extra thoughts allowed.
  9. Thinking too much makes the head heavy. So take care of your head and if it becomes heavy, take the time to make yourself light again.
  10. Be free from over-thinking about how much there is to be done. Think useful, constructive thoughts and you’ll stay light and peaceful. Then the work gets done.
  11. Whatever you think about is revealed through your face. Think happy thoughts, and it’ll be visible on your face – it’s in your smile.
  12. Don’t create obstacles. Don’t be afraid of obstacles. Be the one who overcomes all types of obstacles.
  13. Don’t worry. Don’t hurry. Don’t curry, mix things up to create problems.
  14. Fear, worry and doubts deplete your energy and your inner strength. Change negative into positive and create energy and strength.
  15. When you’re not sure about what to do, turn your mind within and touch your inner stillness. In stillness there’s clarity and you’ll know what you need to do.
  16. God is my Power Supply – always there, always available.
  17. Instead of worrying about how others perceive you, pay attention to how you perceive others.
  18. One of my mentors once said, ‘If you’re given a task, you’re also given the power to fulfill it.’ Trust yourself and have confidence in your inner capacity.
  19. Whenever I meet someone, I want to share with them the gifts of knowledge, peace, love and power.
  20. I take light and might from God, and I have total faith that everything will turn out right.
  21. God is my friend, my companion. I feel God’s hand on my head, His hand in my hand, and together we’re able to do everything.
  22. I regularly get asked: What do you do all day long? What’s your schedule? I just care, share and inspire.
  23. Once when I was asked if I was married, I said “yes, to God”; and when asked if I had children, I said “two, happiness is my son, peace is my daughter. We are a small, happy family.”
  24. My vocation is to do nothing. I am no author or speaker. I just know how to use my heart, mind and eyes well.
  25. I was once asked by my mentor, “Do you give sorrow to anyone?” Since that day I have paid attention to not give sorrow to anyone nor take sorrow from anyone.
  26. I don’t have the consciousness that “I am an Indian”. I belong to the world. I am a global citizen.
  27. People ask me, “Where do you get all your energy from?” Energy comes from my own spirituality, my connection with God, and from positive actions.
  28. My happiness is my personal property from God. I won’t let anyone or anything steal it.
  29. To make time your friend: keep awareness of the present moment, stay in step with its movements, and be ready for what the next moment may bring.
  30. To live in the present is to do what you have to do – now. If not now, then never!
  31. Be fearless. Live every moment as if it is your last.
  32. Work for money and you will count your hours and your salary. Work for love and you’ll be able to work 16 hours a day, be happy and feel more energised.
  33. Stay in the present. When you are in the present, everything is pleasant.
  34. Keep your inner space clean. Recognise your rubbish and throw it out. Only keep what you need.
  35. Don’t disturb anyone or allow yourself to get disturbed.
  36. The experience of inner peace is like glue that puts back together all the broken pieces that make us peaceless.
  37. When there’s a change in you, others are inspired to bring a change in themselves.
  38. When you are a patient, have a lot of patience.
  39. Be happy and distribute happiness. There is no nourishment like happiness.
  40. Whatever you do, others will see what you are doing and will do the same. Think that you are a sample, an example for the world.
  41. Understand your own value. If you don’t, others won’t either!
  42. Let go of the 3 C’s: criticising others, comparing yourself to others, and complaining about others (even in your thoughts).
  43. Value your own time and the time of others.
  44. Never react to anything and never reject anyone.
  45. Make your heart big. But don’t be a dustbin for other people to dump their rubbish on you.
  46. Don’t speak too much or too fast. Be essence-full and clear.
  47. Don’t be forceful when sharing ideas. With humility present your ideas and then let go.
  48. Be your own friend and be everyone’s friend. Maintain the awareness that no one is my enemy.
  49. See the goodness in others and you will soon stop seeing their weaknesses. Each one is good, each one is unique.
  50. Have the aim: no one should complain about me, nor I complain about anyone.
  51. Stay in your self respect and give respect.
  52. Stop looking around and negatively commenting on what others are doing. Understand: we’re all different and we all have different roles to play.
  53. Be like a lotus flower. It takes what is useful and does not let the dirt and the mud spoil its beauty.
  54. Don’t get frustrated with others and think: this one will never change! Be patient, don’t give up on others.
  55. Before going to bed, look back at your day and check ‘What have I learnt from today?’ Don’t carry anything negative into your sleep.
  56. Accumulate lots and lots of inner peace, so that you don’t lose your inner peace at any time or in any situation.
  57. When you turn your focus of attention within, you will clearly see your inner beauty – a clear mind full of peace and a clean heart full of love.
  58. Go into an experience of stillness for one minute and the power of that will remain for the rest of the hour.
  59. Listen to the conscience: Once you understand what is right nobody can influence you to do anything that is not right.
  60. Our most valuable resource is right behind our eyes – the soul. Develop this resource.
  61. Love softens the hearts of others. Love can also empower others to become strong.
  62. I get asked: When are you going to retire? I have never been tired so why would I retire!
  63. When you are inspired by a point of wisdom, reflect on it, and revise it again and again so that it filters through into your character and life.
  64. Be worry free. Think: everything is good. Whatever happened was good. Whatever is happening is good. Whatever will happen, will also be good.
  65. Never lose hope. Have faith in the drama of life. Understand that every scene in the drama of life holds benefit for you.
  66. When something goes wrong, think: there’s benefit in everything. Then see what is to be learnt from the situation.
  67. Often we don’t understand the scenes that unfold in front of us. Keep faith that life will give its’ explanation in time. Tell your mind: ‘just wait and see’.
  68. When a problem comes…. think: ‘Om shanti’ (I am a being of peace). Remind yourself of your inner peace and you’ll have a greater capacity to find solutions.
  69. Challenges come and eventually go. They come to help you move forward, not to hold you back. They’re simply an opportunity to gain more experience.
  70. You can make the impossible possible. All that is needed is wisdom, faith and trust. Then you won’t sit around, waiting for things to happen. You will take action.
  71. Time is saying to me, ‘Live and make the most of every moment’.
  72. When someone says something negative, let it in one ear and out the other.
  73. I have a simple request: Please let go of getting upset.
  74. Speak the truth, but do so lovingly.
  75. Speak with care. Words can both break and repair the heart.
  76. Make a difference to the world, but not at the expense of yourself. Be a star and sparkle light into the whole world.
  77. Explore the five virtues of love, respect, truth, humility and unity. Base your life on these five.
  78. Sit peacefully. Breathe peacefully. Be peaceful. Then the vibration of the peace you experience will reach far and wide.
  79. Think: all are my brothers and sisters. Feel: all belong to One God and one family. Then, through your attitude: spread the power of love into the world.
  80. When the body is going through health challenges, I may be resting on my bed and I don’t talk a lot, but I just smile. There is so much inspiration in smiling.
  81. Serve through your face. Simply, smile. When you smile, the other person smiles back.
  82. Where there is patience, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is love. This makes everything possible.
  83. Humility makes the heart honest, big and clean. It enables you to be co-operative and have easy relationships with everyone.
  84. Honesty does not mean simply speaking your mind. Honesty means to see very clearly, what’s going on inside yourself.
  85. You need courage to remain true to yourself. Go within yourself and evoke your courage.
  86. My inner state should be such that not only am I uninfluenced by negativity, but my very presence is a positive influence on all negativities.
  87. For me, this is my Godly student life. I always feel that in this life, I must always be learning.
  88. If you have doubts in advance, how can you expect good results?
  89. Self-worth does not come from what you do. It comes from the quality and virtue you bring to each act.
  90. To be wise means to respond to situations with understanding, care and compassion.
  91. An actor is never focused on another actor’s part. The actor just gets on with their own part, playing it as best as they can.
  92. Put the past into the past and don’t have any unrealistic expectations for the future. Ask yourself: what do I have to do in the moment of time?
  93. No matter what’s happening around you, pay attention to making and keeping your inner stability strong.
  94. Don’t wait for others to transform. Realise that now is the time for self transformation.
  95. To get along with everyone, harmonise your personality with others. Learn to develop flexibility and at the same time, maintain your truth.
  96. Open your heart and check whether you have any negative feelings for anyone. If you do, then develop good feelings and good wishes for all in your heart.
  97. Create a peaceful atmosphere by developing a compassionate attitude.
  98. No matter what my health is like, or how many commitments I may have, I always maintain my discipline of daily meditation and spiritual study.
  99. If you think that something is right or a good thing to do, put it into practice. Don’t just think – but do it. This gives you energy.
  100. Whenever there is a barrier, people move back. But if there is a bridge, they go across. Be a bridge, not a barrier.
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