Brahma Kumaris Honored with Golden Diploma and Medal for 30 Years of Service in Moscow


Moscow (Russia): A public event was hosted by the Brahma Kumaris of Moscow with a unique theme “Enchanted by Purity.”  The program was organized with the aim of developing and understanding the importance of purity in the lives of people. Through inspiring speeches about the value of purity in the present time and a beautiful spectacle on the theme, followed by an enlightening concert, all together made the program a greatly successful and remarkable event on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary celebrations of the Brahma Kumaris services in Russia.

Mrs. Pacheco-Reinaga Galina NikolaevnaMember of the Council of Deputies of the Vostochny Degunino Municipal District, Moscow, Director of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children, brought a very warm video with loving words of congratulations from the children. This family center was the first to adopt the Project of the Brahma Kumaris “Space of Inspiration – we discover, we study, we assimilate, we bestow“. The project is dedicated to moral values inculcation among children and youth.

Galina Nikolaevna said: “We have known each other for more than 20 years. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for me to visit the Center. But my heart is always here in the Center. I know I am loved here and awaited here. Only here you find that original purity that the soul seeks. Here you find the Source of this Purity. The Brahma Kumaris is very important for us also because the organization helps in the best way, with pure heart and soul.”

Dr. Gordina Lyubov SergeevnaPresident of the Noosphere Spiritual and Ecological Assembly of the World,  Honoured Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, said, I have put aside all affairs and came to congratulate the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University on the occasion of its 30th Anniversary. The university gives an idea of the spiritual nature of man. What exactly is the soul, the eternal conscious energy, what is the main driving force of man. This idea inspired our organization of a group of Russian scientists to give a scientific definition of the concepts: man, spirit, soul and elevate these concepts to the rank of the right field. We created a document that was discussed in the State Duma (Parliament of Russia). Now for the first time in world legislative practice these concepts are fixed. Who is man? There is a definite answer. Thanks to the University for serving us.

Mrs. Dudova Lyubov Vasilyevna congratulated the Brahma Kumaris on behalf of the Commission for the Development of Education and Science of the Public Chamber, Russian Federation. Your University of Spiritual and Moral Education has been sowing the rational, the good and the eternal, for 30 years. Thirty years bring up the light and spiritualize people. “Congratulations on your 30th anniversary! I wish you success in everything! And many, many times over 30! And may there always be light in your home.”

Mrs. Irina Aleksandrovna Bosenko, on behalf of the All-Russian Public Organization of Heroes, Cavaliers of State Awards and Laureates of State Prizes “Labor Valor of Russia,” presented BK Sudha with the honorary medal “Labor Valor, Russia” for the great contribution of the Brahma Kumaris to the spiritual and moral education of residents of Moscow, the strengthening of nation-wide values and peacekeeping.

Mrs. Kvazem Karina RafaelovnaChairman of the Interethnic Women’s Club Commonwealth, head of the interactive museum “Our World Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow,” and the School Club of Children’s Diplomacy P.L. Kapitsa prepared for everyone a sweet gift: a gold chocolate medal with the Brahma Kumaris logo and the inscription “30 years”. This commemorative medal from the stage was awarded to all participants in the festive evening.

Mr. Atnagulov Rais RadiusovichPresident of the International Public Organization of Charitable Funds “MAMA” warmly congratulated everyone on the occasion of celebration and handed over a Gold Diploma for a huge contribution to the spiritual and moral recovery of society and in honor of the 30th anniversary of service in Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic states to the General Director of Brahma Kumaris in Russia, BK Sudha Rani Gupta.

He said: “Today you are 30 years old and its exactly 15 years of our cooperation with you. We held together the International Congress of Mothers at the Brahma Kumaris University of the World Spiritual University “Women and Family Values” in India. Our Russian delegation was then invited to the Presidential Palace by the then President of India, Dr. Abdul Kalam. It was an unforgettable meeting. I remember the words of the President that Russia and India are two spiritual sisters and that we will always be bound by ties of cooperation and mutual respect.

Larisa Trunina, Deputy Head, General Secretariat, Assembly of Eurasian People, Moscow, read the greeting card:

“Dear friends! The heartiest and warm congratulations on the 30th anniversary of the Brahma Kumaris in Moscow. All these years, you are a friendly, sincerely dedicated team, confidently bringing Light and goodness to the people! Your service to the common good deserves the highest respect! I wish you all Peace, Joy, Happiness and further spiritual Ascension! The anniversary date says that there is something to remember, there is something to share. But life is unlimited, it opens up new horizons. Happy meetings, new opportunities and open paths!”

Opening the event BK Sudha, Director of the Brahma Kumaris in Moscow, said that the very theme “Enchanted by Purity” gives us the feeling of the Light that Purifies. I feel that the virtue of purity was embedded in me, the soul and
therefore, since my childhood I desired to live in the world of deities, she added. She further expressed that purity is defined as elevated thoughts,
words, actions and relations, and that the power of Purity is the basis of establishing peace in the world and the Bestower of the Power of Purity is only One – God the Purifier! Recalling her young age BK Sudha spoke, “I was always inclined to go into the depth of purity in all aspects of life – intellect, thoughts, feelings, character, relations. When I saw the teachers of the Brahma Kumaris institution, I was really enchanted by their way of pure life and decided to become like them to spread the message of purity and to reveal the Purifier Father, all over the world. I am happy to be committed to this mission.”

BK Chakradhari, Regional Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris, Russia Region, narrated the story of her developing the faith in the Descent of God at the present most auspicious Confluence Age of the World Cycle and the beginning of His task of world purification.  The audience listened to her in deep silence and was touched by her words.

BK Dr. Vijay, Coordinator, explained the meaning of spiritual growth as the attainment of stability of mind, maintaining inner peace, a merciful heart, love, happiness and, of course, sustaining the virtue of purity.


The Concert “Enchanted by Purity” was successfully conducted by Konstantine Uzhva, Actor, Moscow Theatre of Opera, and Elena Titova,  Linguist, Specialist in inter-cultural communication, Teacher of English and German, with the help of enlightening performances by BK Julia Sabitova, Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Laureate of International Competitions; Seleverstova Ekaterina, Artistic Director, Indian Dance Class and President of the Foundation for the Study of Indian Culture of Moscow; Kvazem Karina Rafaelovna, Chairman of the Interethnic Club Commonwealth (she presented the Commemorative Medal depicting BK logo and 30 years services of Brahma Kumaris); Ekaterina Ivaniy, Teacher, Psychologist, Singer and participant of the Eurovision 2019, Laureate of international and all-Russian competitions (sang the song “Winged Songs Are Pouring); Irina Bosenko, Member of the Board, “Union of Orthodox Women of Russia and All-Russian Public Organization of Heroes, Cavaliers of State Awards and Laureates of State Prizes “Labor Valor of Russia” (she handed the Honorary Badge “Labor Valor of Russia” to the General Director of Brahma Kumaris); Vazgen Oganesyan, vocal teacher, singer, poet, winner and laureate of international competitions, holder of the Order “Heart of Danko” in the nomination for personal contribution to the development of Russian culture; Zhanna Yakovenko, singer; Vaselisa Yakovenko, singer; Vanda Dombrovskaya, singer; and many other artists.


An album of songs in Russian was released on the occasion on the theme “Enchanted by Purity” with music by BK Valeri Dobrov, Lyrics by Valeri Dobrov and Vyacheslav Barinov and Singers and musicians including Valeri Dobrov, Polina Kachura, Zhanna Yakovenko, Vaselisa Yakovenko, Julia Sabitova, Ekaterina Smirnova, Larisa Gridina, Vladimir Skorokhodov, and Natalia Grigorieva.

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