3rd International Day of Yoga in Mongolia


Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centre in Mongolia has actively participated in the preparation and joined at 3rd International Day of Yoga.

We prepared the design of the main poster for the Embassy of India.

Brahma Kumaris Students organized the few events for announcing 3rd IDY:

  1. Planting trees at designated areas near to Ulaanbaator (the event was organized by the Non-GovernmentalOrganization called as “Green Asia”)
  2. The flash-mob-meditation in the National City Park
  3. Conducting an exercises and short meditations for senior police officers during special programs for them.
  4. An interview with the Ambassador of India in Mongolia Dr.Suresh Babu on the TV channel “Parliament TV”.

During the International Yoga Day, which was held at the central Sukhbaatar Square of the city on 18th of June, BrahmaKmaris Raja Yoga Center has provided the residents of a small exhibition of knowledge pictures for the practice of RajaYoga Meditation and the game of “Virtues-scope”. It was very popular among visitors and participants of the event.

“The Place of silence” (special tent for relaxing and meditation) was organized in cooperation with the Mongolian Federation of Yoga and MandalaYoga.

BK students conducted 6-minute meditation in accordance with paragraph Protocol “Dhyana” on the main stage.

During the festival, the Central channel of Mongolia “MNB” has organized on-line translation from the event 2 hours. Brahma Kumaris Raja YogaCentre gave the channel the

7-minute interview.  We provided information about the activities of the University in Mongolia and whole world, spiritual and physical energy ofhuman being, positive thinking in this time, and the benefits of Raja Yoga meditation.

http://www.mnb.mn/archive/2017-06-18-08-00-00 (1h12m20s-1h20m)


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