“Across the Bridge of Stars: from a Human to an Angel” Event in St. Petersburg


St. Petersburg ( Russia ): “Across the Bridge of Stars”: Prajapita Brahma’s Commemoration Event

The magnetic personality of Brahma Baba, the corporeal founding father of the Brahma Kumaris , became the focal point at the festive public event “Across the Bridge of Stars: from a Human to an Angel” at Lighthouse, the Brahma Kumaris Centre in St. Petersburg.

Among others, the audience included many dignitaries, including prominent scientists, educationists, and artists, who had since long been in contact with the BK Centre. Some of them had visited Mount Abu, the BK international headquarters, and had already appreciated the huge scale of spiritual, moral and organizational legacy left by Brahma Baba.

The video abstracts from the speeches by Ram Nath Kovind, president of India, and Narendra Modi, the country’s prime minister, in which both leaders of the great country lauded the accomplishments of Prajapita Brahma and the organization led by him, showed the audience the scale of recognition of Brahma Baba’s heritage.

Speaking about the milestones of Brahma Baba’s spiritual journey, BK Santosh, Director of the Brahma Kumaris in St. Petersburg, said, “He is a flag-bearer who demonstrates to us that since he could become an angel, we can also achieve that stage of perfection. Not only he became the best spiritual student himself, but he proved to be a great support for hundreds of thousands souls who aspired to stay close to God, to follow His Commandments and to serve the world. Brahma Baba’s deep realization and instant decision to adopt purity and divine virtues in his life fully, not partially, made it easy for the Supreme to use him as an instrument for His task of establishing a 100 percent pure world of heaven.

“Brahma Baba realized that the foundation for attaining all spiritual powers and virtues of the Supreme was a completely pure, lotus-like life while staying in today’s iron-aged world where there are all sorts of situations for developing anger, greed, ego, hatred, etc. He believed in teaching others through his own practical example. Not impressing them with miracles or occult powers, but remaining a very natural yet powerful and virtuous personality. In spite of challenges and opposition, he never allowed himself to give way to hatred and revenge, but adhered to the principle that “the one who criticizes us is our friend.” Never intending to make a show of himself, rather signaling towards the Almighty who alone can make us pure and perfect.”

As the function continued, heart-stirring poems, video vignettes and a dance of white-clad angels were threaded one by one on the string of the rosary of experiences.  Vibrant live sounds of a violin seemed to be a new language able to express subtle feelings of the heart, overcoming all the limitations of verbal communication.

BKs and guests from 10 cities of Russia and the Ukraine also joined the event by coming to St. Petersburg for this special retreat program.

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