BK Shivani Addresses the Public Event on Theme: “Calmness and Strength in an Uncertain World”


Madrid (Spain): Mr. Sanjay Verma, Ambassador of India in Spain; Mr. Harish Fabiani, Businessman and Sponsor of the Event;BK Manda Patel, Director of Global Retreat House of the Brahma Kumaris at Oxford, UK; BK Enrique Simó, Coordinator of the Brahma Kumaris centre of Madrid and member of the National Coordination Team of the Brahma Kumaris in Spain, were the main speakers at a public event organized in Madrid, Spain, with BK Sister Shivani on the topic “Calmness and strength in an uncertain world“.

More than 800 people attended the lecture at the Capitol Cinema of Madrid, including an important presence of members of the Indian community.

In her speech, BK Sister Shivani explained that empowerment means to empower myself. Don’t expect happiness will come from outside of you; you need to create it and nurture it.

Sister Shivani said “With our own inner change we can improve the quality of our lives and those around us. Tomorrow, wake up with the thought: “I’m powerful, calm, stable, I am the master of my life. I have changed from a slave to be the master of my life and destiny.”

She further said “I will only be able to take care of others if I learn to take care of myself first. My mental and emotional stage is my priority. The natural stage of my mind is peace, even if there is disturbance around me. But to achieve that stage of mind I need to practice making my mind peaceful and stable every day and in every situation.”

In their introductions, the speakers highlighted the charismatic personality of BK Shivani that attracts many thousands of people to her live lectures as well as to social media. They highlighted that with her classes and lectures she is contributing very much to empower people in general, especially women, because she offers very practical methods and ideas to improve our life and make it happier.

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