Brahma Kumaris Attend​ XII Scientific Conference ​in Moscow


Moscow (Russia):Sister BK Sudha, D​i​rector, Brahma Kumaris, Moscow, gave a talk on the theme “Power of Words” at the XII Scientific Conferenceon “The dialogue of languages and cultures:problems and perspectives of modern inter-cultural communication”  on the invitation of Mrs. M.D. Tikhonycheva, Rector, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Language and Culture, Moscow.  ​

The Conference was held on 19th April in the building of Government of Moscow under the auspices of the Committee on Nationality Issues, Russian Federal Assembly.

The Conference was ​organised by Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations, Moscow House of Nationalities​; Lev Tolstoy Institute of Languages and Cultures, Moscow​;​International Scientific and Cultural Centre, Moscow​’​

The Captions:

1. Mrs. M.D. Tikhonycheva, Rector, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Language and Culture, Moscow, opening the creative exhibition of the Forum.

2. The Participants of the Forum in the Building of Government of Moscow.

3. Welcome programme. The concert of Russian folk music: Balalaika.

4. Greetings on behalf of the Head of the Department of National Policy of the Moscow Government.

5. Mr. Alexey Drozhzhin wishing successful work to the Forum on behalf of Mr. Tarasov V.B., the Head of the Moscow House of Nationalities.

6. Mrs. M.D. Tikhonycheva, Rector, Leo Tolstoy Institute of Language and Culture, giving a talk on the main objectives of the Forum.

7. Didi Sudha, Brahma Kumaris, giving a talk on “Power of Words”. In the presidium there is a doctor of philology, professor of the Moscow Pedagogical State University.

8. Didi Sudha telling the participants of the Forum about the principles of elevated speech.


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