Brahma Kumaris Jammu Donate to PM CARES Fund for Covid-19 Relief


Jammu : The Brahma Kumaris donated a cheque for Rs. 1,51,000/- to BJP State General Secretary Ashok Koul, in the presence of Sat Sharma, CA, Former Minister, MLA Jammu West and Former BJP Party President; Munish Khajuria, Jammu District President BJP; Raveesh Mengi, Mandal President; Ravi Bakshi, Akshay Sharma, Corporator Rehari, for the Prime Minister (PM) CARES FUND to fight Covid-19. The cheque was presented by Rajayogini BK Sudarshan, Director of Brahma Kumaris in Jammu and Kashmir, BK Ravinder, BK Surender and others.

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