Brahma Kumaris of Chhatarpur Felicitate The Police Staff


Chhatarpur (MP): Human Life around the world got totally disturbed due to Covid-19 pandemic. Poverty and hunger are encroaching slowly all over the world which is passing through difficult economic crisis. Various social, religious, political, spiritual organizations, actors and many others are helping administration in their own capacities to help the needy.

Doctors and nurses are working day and night risking their own lives. Policemen are standing firm in hot scorching sun serving the society. Far from their own families they are serving mankind as one World Family which itself is making them admirable. In appreciation of their relentless job towards the mankind, they were felicitated by Brahma Kumaris at their Centre, Paavan Dham, at Kishore Nagar, Chhatarpur .

BK Shailaja, Centre in Charge, welcoming the Police Personnels, through her motivational address, instilled zeal and enthusiasm in them and extended her Greetings.

BK Rupa then conducted Rajayoga Meditation collectively after that she presented light towels for their safety from the Covid-19. Each one were given slogan card containing God’s Blessing.

At the end of the function all of them were served Brahma Bhojan sacred food offered to God.

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