Brahma Kumaris reaches the bottom of the world; BK Vaishali hoists Baba’s flag


The Brahma Kumaris recently marked its presence in the land of Antarctica. BK Sister Vaishali from San Francisco/Anubhuti center visited the coldest place on earth and hoisted Baba’s flag spreading the message of peace and unity. On her trip to the highest continent, BK Vaishali amazed everyone by donning a white saree as she elevated Baba’s flag on an Antarctic ice sheet. She avoided polar clothes and chose to flaunt the organization’s uniform. 

Recalling her once-in-a-life experience with the media, BK Vaishali shared how Baba helped her throughout the journey, and she was able to complete her mission. “Landing on the continent, where no humans reside, and being around marine animals was a magical experience in itself,” she said. 

On her expedition to Antarctica were 140 adventurers from 29 countries. “They were curious about what I wore and what I ate,” Vaishali mentioned. “They taught me environmental awareness, and in return, I shared the importance of spiritual awareness and meditation with them.” 

Sister Vaishali covered 21 islands of the continent on her 19-day long trip.

(Hindi News and photos)

अंटार्कटिका में पहली बार लहराया गया परमात्मा ध्वज

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