Brahmakumaris ​I​nvited to a ​H​uge ​E​vent on ​​4th Int’l ​Y​oga ​D​ay​ in China​

Guangzhou, ​China:  ​On 4th International Y​oga ​D​ay (21st June)​, there was a big event organized by China-India cultural Exchange Centre,  supported by Consulate General of India, in which about 1500 Chinese yoga enthusiasts participated. The program was a combination of yoga performances, Indian and Chinese dance performances and Meditation by Brahma kumaris.
Mayor of the City and other local authorities were also present and gave greetings on the occasion. 

Sister Sapna was invited to conduct Rajyoga meditation for the participants. There was one open session for all and later on the participants were divided into small groups to attend various workshops by different teachers. Sister also conducted a 2-hours workshop on the topic ” Awakening the Master Within”.

The event was a great success and was covered by newspapers and TV channels as well. 
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