Milpitas, California ( USA ): Brahma Kumaris Silicon Valley, Milpitas Celebrated Diwali in which over 400 people attended the event. Highlights of the event were talk by BK Kusum on “Invoking Goddess Laxmi by Lighting Diya(Lamp) Within”, Cultural Performances, Skit “Swarg Mein Ek Seat Khali Hai” (Vacancy for “One” seat in God’s Kingdom) and Candle lighting Ceremony.
Dignitaries on the stage for Candle Lighting Ceremony were Ash Kalra (California Assembly Member), Kansen Chu (California Assembly Member), Jose Esteves (former Mayor City of Milpitas), Rishi Kumar (Council Member City of Saratoga), Savita Vaidyanathan (Mayor of Cupertino), Ramesh Konda and Vijaya Asuri from Association of Indo Americans (AIA), Suresh Gandhi( Indian Community Leader of Bay Area) and BK Kusum ( Director of Brahma Kumaris in Milpitas).
BK Kusum said that “Morning comes after night. In the same way, Golden age is about to come after Kaliyug(Iron Age). Ever lit , Almighty Authority ( Deep Raj -King of Lamps) descends at the end of Iron Age and lights the light of the soul. Once the light is lit, we come divine. We are now becoming full of divinity with this light and becoming worthy to go into Golden Age. It is God’s presence in our life which makes us rich. ”
The program concluded with Guided Meditation by sitting in silence in connection with the Supreme.