Brahma Kumaris Pay Tribute to the Soldiers of Pulwama Terror Attack on Maha Shivratri in Delhi

Delhi, Harinagar: World Peace Meditation and Shraddhanjali Sabha was organised at Thimmayya Park, Delhi Cantonment.  In this programme, 31 Personnel from CRPF HQ, Rapid Action Force, BSF, CISF, Indian Army R&R Hospital Nurses with Major, Delhi Police, Railway Protection Force, ITBP came for World Peace Meditation for Pulwama Martyrs.

Special Shraddanjali Sabha was organised DSP Satish Kumar, CRPF, Major Bhwani, Lt. Colonel Vivek, Indian Army, Bk Shukla Didi gave condolence message to all soldiers.

Flag hoisting was done at Brahma Kumaris, Harinagar Main Centre by Shri Narendra Chawla, Mayor SDMC, Inspector General Raj Kumar, Delhi Tihar Prisons Headquarters, Bk Shukla Didi

Special programme on Shraddhanjali Sabha was organised and candles were lit for giving  Peace to the departed Soldiers.

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