Moscow: Brahma Kumaris, Moscow Presents Russian Album Song by “Music of Silence” Group.
Title: Enchanted by Purity
Created by BK Group: Music of Silence
Title: Enchanted by Purity
Created by BK Group: Music of Silence

YouTube links to the songs and clips from the album “Enchanted by Purity”, by the group ” Music of Silence” with additional information in English.
1. Очарованье чистотой
(Enchanted by Purity)
2. Неуловима музыка тишины
(The Intangible Music of Silence)
3. Пред взором Высшего Отца
(In Front of the Eyes of the Supreme Father)
4. Хрустальная капелька любви Бога
(Crystal Drop of God’s Love)
5. Дождь прошел и опять Белый Свет
(The rain is over and The White Light, shining again)
6. Чистый Ангел над землей
(Pure Angel, Flying Above The Earth)
7. Чистый Свет Белый Свет
(Pure Light, White Light)
8. Я вернулась в Дом свой неземной
(I have retunred to my Unearthly Home)