Foundation Stone laying Ceremony of Avyakt Lok-Memorial of Frormer Brahma Kumaris Chief


Abu Road (Raj): The Foundation Stone laying ceremony of the Memorial being built in the Remembrance of Dadi Hridaya Mohini (aka Dadi Gulzar), Former Chief of Brahma Kumaris, was held at Shantivan, the Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris. Named as ‘Avyakt Lok‘ or The Subtle World. this Memorial will be completed soon and opened to the public.
The ceremony was attended by Dadi Ratanmohini, Spiritual Head of Brahma Kumaris: BK Nirwair. Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris: BK Brij Mohan. Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris: BK Munni. Program Director of Brahma Kumaris; BK Karuna. Multi-Media Head of Brahma Kumaris: BK Mruthyunjaya. Executive Secretary of Brahma Kumaris: BK Sudesh. Director of Brahma Kumaris in Europe: BK Neelu and BK Tara. Personal companion and caretakers of Dadi Hridayamohini,
Dadi Ratanmohini. Spiritual Head of Brahma Kumaris, while speaking on this occasion said that many people will be attracted to this place in the future. This place being built here will make everyone feel God’s presence. We will make this place beautiful and unforgettable.
BK Nirwair, Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris, in his address said that the Godly services of Dadi Hridayamohini will forever keep on inspiring us. This place has been aptly named as The Subtle World. as everyone who sits here will experience the Subtle dimension of life. People will have the benefit of soul purification through this place. It will become a place of Penance or Tapasya in the future.
BK Brij Mohan, Additional Secretary General of Brahma Kumaris. said that Dadi Hridayamohini dedicated her body to Divine service for five decades, She introduced God to millions of people. We have planned this Memorial with great deliberation and care. This place will greatly help others to achieve the same Spiritual heights as Dadi Hridayamohini. This is a historical occasion. We are all lucky to be physically present here today.
BK Munni, Programs Director of Brahma Kumaris, said that Dadi Hridayamohini is always with us. This Avyakt Lok’ will take us through a journey of the Subtle World. It will be made into a beautiful place soon. The remains of Dadi Hridayamohini (ash urn – [calash) was touched by all the Senior Rajayogis present and kept at the base of the foundation of this Memorial by BK Neelu and BK Tara.

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