Gita Gyan Festival in Rajkot


Rajkot: BrahmaKumaris, Rajkot organized Gita Gyan Utshav On 18 to 22,December,2019 on the topic of “JIVAN KA AADHAR GITA KA SAAR” conducted by a senior Rajyoga Teacher Bk.Ushadidi, Mt.Abu, which inaugurated by  Rajyogini  Bhartididi (Gujarat Zone incharge), Rajyogini  B.K Ushadidi (Mount Abu), Binaben Acharya (Mayor of Rajkot), Bhanuben Babariya (MLA), ward Corporators, Swastik didi (Swaminarayan) , Devraj Gadhvi (Writer), Sardar Harisinh (Gurudwara) Dipakbhai (Art Of living), Dhirubhai Sarvaiya (Artist), Bishop Josh, Maulavi Dr. Ahemad bhai Kadri, Islami Mukhi Saheb Salim Taijani  and leaders from religious and spiritual organization.

Gitagyan Utshav Inaugurated by Shankh naad, God’s Remembrance and Lighting lamps by guest.
B.k Ushadidi Abu explained personal, social, national, global problems solution we get from holy book Gita. She introduced different role of Mahabharata with respect of present mental condition of people. Also said today’s Shakuni role is played by Mobile, which play a vital role in the destruction of internal world that impressions, thoughts and feelings of a person.
Every Session is concluded by Om dhavni and meditation.
In the Morning there was Rajyoga Meditation Session.
The programmed had participation of around 1000 distinguished guests and accomplished professionals from the fields of media, fashion, medicine, law, governance and commerce.
Special guests to the event included:

Yuvraj Mandhata sinh, yuvrani Kadambari devi, Bhikhubhai Virani (Balaji Wafers), Jayeshbhai (Bolbala Trust), Dr. Jitubhai Patel, Chimanbhai Hapani(Kich Architectural Products Pvt Ltd ), Masukhbhai Pan (HI-BOND Cement) etc

Also more than 7500 people participated with zeal and enthusiasm. Everyone learns something new from Gita.
In programmed ground stall of Addiction free Rajkot, Plastic free, Rajkot Literature Store, Meditation room. Many people take pledge of leaving tobacco, and plastics and get god’s blessing.

Ku.Prushti and group performed welcome dance
Kumar vivek, Dhaval, Darshit performed Sab Ka Malik Aek dance give message of God is one.
At Last people from different field Gave feedback of Programmed and Share Their Experience.
On Behalf Of Rajkot Kamari Gave Thanks By performing dance on Sukarana Gaye Dil Apka.
The whole programmed successfully concluded on 22th December, with the participants understanding the need of Spiritual knowledge and mediation in present Life Style.

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