Global Launching of Rajayoga TV Malayalam at Kochi, Kerala


Kochi, Kerala: Indian Minister of State for External Affairs, Hon. Muralidharan Launched Brahma Kumaris’ New Malayalam Channel – Rajayoga TV Malayalam dedicated to Malayalees.

It is a complete channel that delivers everything we need. Indian philosophy is a harmony of science and spirituality. This channel is proof of Brahma Kumaris’ holistic vision of humanity. Minister said in his inaugural address.

Brahma Kumaris’ Media Chief Rajayogi Brahma Kumar Karuna ji presided over the function. What we are missing today is divinity, divine qualities. Our channel aims to nurture these qualities in our youth said Rajayogi BK Karuna Bhai ji in his presidential address.

Renowned music director Vidyadharan Master was honored with shall and memento in recognition of his contributions to Malayalam art and literature. Master blessed the channel to become instrumental in making us better human beings. His famous song, “Kalpantha kalatholam…” was greeted with big applause.

Mr. Benny Behanan,  Member of Parliament greeted the channel that took birth on Kerala Piravi Day with Rajayoga all the best. He said, I’m sure no one who watches the Raja Yoga TV will ever get lost. He hoped that the channel would spread lights of spirituality into the minds of Keralites and greeted that let the channel go high in ratings.

Rajayogini BK Lakshmi, Subzone Incharge, Brahma Kumaris, Mysore said that this channel that cultivates human values, provides solutions to our day-to-day life problems be instrumental in giving more wisdom to the already educated Keralites, let it purify the minds of all, give real peace of mind to all. Lakshmi blessed.

Raja Yogini BK Meena took everybody to a world beyond words through Raja Yoga meditation, every one experienced deep silence.

Raja Yoga TV Malayalam’s mission is to show us the future. This channel shows us what we should be, not what we are. Rubber Board Vice Chairman Adv. Jayasooryan said.  He greeted all the best to the channel that frees us from the complexities of life.

This place is like my own house. It was from this home that I learned how to live life happily. It is necessity that the wisdom of Brahma Kumaris should reach every home. It is a necessity to reach the message of love and peace to all human minds, especially women. Film actress Samyukta  Verma wished Rajayoga TV Malayalam to do it.

Nedumbassery Grama Panchayath, President Mini Eldo and Member Sidhardhan greeted the occassion.

Rajayogini B.K. Radha welcomed the august audience and dignitaries and vote of thanks was given by Rajayogini BK Pankajam. Executive Coordinator Gopalakrishnan explained the objectives of Rajayoga TV Malayalam.

Rajayoga TV Malayalam is available live on Jio TV Network, YouTube channel and on Brahma Kumaris Live, a mobile application in Play Store.

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