Carnival of Living Flowers : Grand Global Cultural Festival in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: “Bathukamma is about gender equality, peace, justice, and life in harmony with nature”, says Mr. B. Venkatesham, Secretary of Govt. of Telangana, as the magnificent Global Cultural Festival begins in Telangana.

The Global Cultural Festival and Bathukamma Celebrations began in Hyderabad, Saturday, 13 October, with the record-breaking participation of artists from 21 countries, including Russia, Brazil, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and others. The Festival has been organized by the government of Telangana (Department of Culture and Tourism) and the Brahma Kumaris.

The programme “The Rhythms of the Soul” became a beautiful prologue to the Festival. It was held at Dr. MCR HRD Institute, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, as a special event for AIS (IAS, IPS, IGS, IRS) Officers. The event started with a soft melody flute performance by bro. Ilia from Russia.

This time a special guest of Telangana is Mr. Alexey Talai from the Republic of Belarus who has been invited by the Brahma Kumaris to visit India and share his unique and motivating experience. As a result of explosion of the World War II old ammunition, Alexey lost his both legs and arms when he was 16 years old. Yet, he did not give way to despair and started a new life. Today he is a master of sports in swimming, a member of the Paralympic national team of Belarus and has the black belt in taekwondo. He is a brilliant motivational speaker and trainer.

Bro. Alexey Talai was welcomed with standing ovation. His message that “When spirit is strong, body matters nothing” inspired everyone. Bro. Alexey spoke words of inspiration at other major events within the framework of the Festival as well.

The chief guests to “The Rhythms of the Soul” were: Mr. APN Sharma, Advisor to Govt. of Telangana, Mr. B. Venkatesham, IAS – Secretary of Govt. of Telangana, Dept of Culture and Tourism, Mr A. K. Goyal, Advisor to Govt. of TS, Mr Jagadeshwar, Sr. Women Development and Child Welfare, Mr Raghunandan, Collector, Hyderabad.

Spirit of Life”, the inaugural evening of enlightenment and entertainment presented by Divine Light International Cultural Troupe, took place the same day, in the afternoon, at a prestigious Ravindra Bharathi auditorium. With capacity of 1100 seats, the hall was full. The chief guests included Mr B. Venkatesham, Hon. Justice Amarnath ji, Justice of High Court Retd., Justice Eshwariah ji, TDP Leader Ramana ji.

Mr. B. Venkatesham appreciated bro. Alexey Talai, “the real hero, man without arms and legs but with lot of enthusiasm and zeal, filled with hope and understanding”. He also appreciated the cultural team and the team leader Santosh Didi ji, Brahma Kumaris director (St. Petersburg, Russia), for bringing again the international group of artistes who are also spiritual students and practitioners of ancient raja yoga. He especially underlined the importance of the power of mothers, saying that the Brahma Kumaris, a women-led organization, was truly the one that was going to establish satyug in this world.

Director of Shanti Sarovar Didi Kuldeep ji also appreciated the contribution of the international cultural group and co-operation of the Government of Telangana. Guests of the program were nicely surprised to see harmony, dedications discipline of performance groups. And above all they observed love, respect and enthusiasm of bringing back golden land of satyug and how the performers expressed the glory of it.

The gorgeous “Carnival of Flowers” took place at the grand auditorium of Shanti Sarovar, Hyderabad, on 14 October, Sunday. Its special guests were Mr S. K. Joshi, Chief Secretary, Govt. of Telangana, Mr B. Venkatesham and Justice Eshwariah, former Chairman, NCBC, Government of India.

Br. Alexey Talai presented a special Byelorussian Semi-Marathon golden medal to Mr. S. K. Joshi as a sign of appreciation of the Government of Telangana’s contribution in promoting human values, healthy life style and harmony between people.

All of us are living flowers that should stay colorful and fragrant and bring happiness to others,” said Santosh Didi, explaining the concept of the event. “When we remember the Creator of this beautiful global garden of flowers, we feel that the whole garden belongs to us.” She urged everyone to look at one another with that vision of spiritual love and brotherhood, and the entire audience got filled with the fragrance of unity. Well, that was the true Bathukamma celebration with all of us becoming living fragrant flowers !

The Festival is continuing, and many other spectacular, entertaining and enlightening events are yet to come!

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