Hong Kong: Brahma Kumaris Participate in the International Day of Yoga Organised by the Indian Consulate and Asia Society


Hong Kong: For the International Day of Yoga in Hong Kong, the Indian Consulate and Asia Society organised a whole day event on Sunday 18 June. Nineteen hatha yoga organisations and one meditation group – Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Centres, Hong Kong – participated and had the opportunity to showcase their programs.
Brahma Kumaris were the first group to be invited by the Indian Consulate to discuss what we can offer and they specifically requested a proposal for meditation in Cantonese.

Sr Kathie was the main BK presenter. She has been practicing Raja Yoga Meditation for over 10 years and has taught hatha yoga for over 30 years. She explained what meditation is and the benefits of meditation for the body and mind, with a Power Point presentation.

Sr Susanna, who has been practicing Raja Yoga Meditation for over 30 years, spoke two live meditation commentaries to relax the body and mind in Cantonese.

BK Rohini, Co-ordinator of the Raja Yoga Meditation Centre, Hong Kong, took the participants through a practical creative meditation experience with Sr Kathie translating into Cantonese.

Twenty five people registered for the program, with some registering on the day of the event.

Fifteen BKs joined in to provide spiritual support. For over two months leading up to the event,

As a follow up there will be three programs at the Hong Kong Centre, and the first Cantonese public program at the Kowloon Centre on “Exploring and Discovering: Anger to Love”.

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