Inaugural Ceremony and Conference on “God’s Power for Golden Age” at PURC


Brahmapur ( Odisha ) :The Sub-Zonal Head Quarters of the Brahma Kumaris Shantikunda, Brahmapur, held a grand spiritual conference at Prabhu Upahar Retreat Centre (PURC) in Ramachandrapur near Gopalpur-on-the-sea. Organised under the guidance of Rajyogini BK Manju, Director of Brahmapur Sub-Zone of the Brahma Kumaris, 30 BK sisters dedicated themselves on Godly service in the divine presence of Rajyogini Dr. Dadi Janki, Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris. A grand spiritual Conference on “God’s Power for Golden Age” was also held on this occasion.

Addressing the Conference, Her Holiness Dadi Janki reminded all that we are all the sweetest children of the Supreme, playing our pre-ordained role in this eternal cycle of drama. She mentioned that the consistent remembrance of the Supreme and the knowledge of drama will naturally cause peace and harmony in this world.

The Chief guest Dr. Pradeep Panigrahy, MLA, Gopalpur, Member of Lokayukta Odisha Debabrata Swain, BK Sister Jaymini from London, also addressed the gathering about how the Brahma Kumaris help rejuvenate the human character. BK Bhanu from Mt. Abu presented the welcome song, while BK Sonia and team mesmerized the gathering with a spiritual dance. Rajyogini BK Mala, Director of PURC, coordinated the program while BK Dr. Prakash Patro gave the vote of thanks. Dadi Janki inaugurated the Peace Tower at PURC.

The District Administration honoured Dadi with Guard of Honour at the airstrip at Rangeilunda and escorted Dadi and her retinue as per the protocol befitting state guests. Rajyogini BK Hansa and BK Mohan from Mt. Abu accompanied Dadi Janki.

More than ten thousand Brahma Kumars and Kumaris from Ganjam and Gajapati participated in the program.

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