Inaugural Ceremony of Inner Technology (IT) Conference in Shantivan


Abu Road (Raj): The IT Wing of the Brahma Kumaris organized an Inner Technology Conference at Shantivan titled “Awakening The Wisdom Within”. The four-day conference is aimed at utilizing spiritual power to make appropriate choices in life.  It will impart the necessary spiritual skills to make life happy, healthy and harmonious.

The Inauguration Ceremony was held in Diamond Hall and was graced by BK Karuna (Chief of Multi Media), BK Nalini (Senior Rajyoga Teacher), BK Aruna Ladva (Speaker and Author from Kuwait), BK Yashwant (IT Wing HQ Co-ordinator), Mr. Bhavesh Panchal (IT head of MNC Company) and Dr. Umesh Prasad Sah (Director of Jharkhand Communications Network Limited).

The ice-breaking session was conducted by BK Monika Gupta, Retreat Master of ceremonies, BK Padma took the inaugural session forward with her divine insights, and the official welcome speech was given by BK Nirwair, General Secretary of the Brahma Kumaris. The dignitaries were called on the stage and welcomed by the BK sisters. A welcome dance was performed by BK Lahar.

BK Yashwant shared insights about the Brahma Kumaris IT wing’s services and spoke about the history and activities of the IT wing.

BK Aruna spoke about the theme of the retreat, “Awakening The Wisdom Within,” and conducted a guided meditation.  Inspirations were then given by Dr. Umesh Prasad and Bhavesh Panchal. Young child BK Palak welcomed the participants with her innocent divine speech.

All the invited dignitaries and seniors were invited for the candle lighting. BK Karuna and BK Nalini gave blessings on their behalf and the whole Brahma Kumaris family.  An agenda briefing and general instructions were given by BK Bala and a guided meditation was conducted by BK Padma.

Prominent speakers at the conference included BK Dr. Nirmala, Director of the Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga centers in the Asia Pacific Region; BK Suraj, well-known TV personality with Samadhan series and eminent Rajyoga teacher; Sister Shivani, Goodwill Ambassador of the World Psychiatric Association and recipient of the Nari Shakti Award; BK Aruna Ladva, Speaker, Meditation Teacher in Kuwait, and Author; Som Mittal, Chairman and former President of NASSCOM; and BK Deepa, Specialist in conducting leadership programs at IT Companies and Industries.

News in Hindi:

ब्रह्मकुमारीज IT  विंग द्वारा इन्नर टेक्नोलॉजी कॉन्फ्रेंस -“अवेकनिंग दी विसडम विधिन” शांतिवन परिसर में आयोजित किया गया । आदरणीय भ्राता बी.के. करुणा भाई (मल्टी मीडिया प्रमुख, PRO ), बी.के. नलिनी दीदी (वरिष्ठ राजयोग शिक्षिका), बी.के. अरुणा लाडवा (लेखक, राजयोग शिक्षिका), बी.के. यशवंत भाई (आई.टी. विंग हेड-क्वार्टर के को-ऑर्डिनेटर) द्वारा यह रिट्रीट का स्वागत समारोह मनाया गया। श्री भावेश पांचाल (एम.एन.सी. कंपनी के आई.टी. प्रमुख) और डॉ.उमेश प्रसाद साह (झारखंड संचार नेटवर्क लिमिटेड के निर्देशक)।

आदरणीय भ्राता निर्वेर भाईजी  ने अपने विशेष उदगार इस आयोजित कांफ्रेंस के लिए व्यक्त किये। आदरणीय बहन बी.के. अरुणा दीदी ने रिट्रीट के विषय “अवेकनिंग धी विसडम विधिन” लक्ष्य सभी के सामने प्रस्तुत किया |

कार्यक्रम में उपस्थित विशेष अतिथि श्री भावेश पांचाल (एम.एन.सी. कंपनी के आई.टी. प्रमुख) और डॉ. उमेश प्रसाद साह (झारखंड संचार नेटवर्क लिमिटेड के निर्देशक) ने अपनी शुभ भावना सभी सहभागी के सामने रखी।

सभी आमंत्रित गणमान्य व्यक्तियों और वरिष्ठ बी.के. भाइयों और बहनों ने दीप प्रज्वलन द्वारा कार्यक्रम की शुभ शुरूवात की । आदरणीय भ्राता करुणा भाई जी और नलिनी दीदी ने अपने आशीर्वचन दिए।

कार्यक्रम के अंत में उपस्थित भाई एवं बहनों कोई स्वरीय सौगात एवं टोली दी गयी।

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