“Inner Alignment: Unity Starts Within Myself” – International Day of Yoga Event by Harmony House, New York


New York ( USA ): In keeping with the June theme of “The Heart of Well-Being: Living a Healthier and Happier Life,” Brahma Kumaris Global Harmony House, New York, celebrated the United Nations International Day of Yoga by hosting a zoom event entitled, “Inner Alignment: Unity Starts Within Myself.”

The guest speaker was Caroline Ward, a gifted guide, teacher, and author who specializes in transitions and transformation and who has studied and taught meditation with the Brahma Kumaris for more than twenty years. The author of two books, the Four Faces of Woman and Mi Coraje, Tu Coraje (My Courage, Your Courage), Caroline is an Australian living in Latin America who works across the world facilitating ways in which people may embrace the challenges of changing paradigms.

Caroline offered an enchanting weave of fragrant insights on how each of us can find our space of well-being, reminding us that by not choosing a story of resistance, we can face our storms and obstacles with a creative and constructive outlook.

One of the highlights of the evening was Caroline’s discussion of “inclusiveness,” a term has that has been co-opted by policy makers and which she effectively brought back to its true meaning, that of belonging. Our respective stories, bodies, and souls are unique, but we are at our best when we are lovingly inclusive. Using poignant anecdotes and lively figurative language, Caroline convinced us all that bringing our head and heart into alignment, “yoked like oxen,” allows us to meet life’s challenges in a lighter, more transformative way.


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