The Brahma Kumaris at Climate Change Conference (COP24) on Interfaith Co-operation in Katowice, Poland


Katowice, Poland:  The Brahma Kumaris set up two press conferences, plus an important interfaith co-ordination meeting at the Climate Change Conference (COP24).

Press Conference 1

“Faith-based Organisations Tackling Climate Change” was the title of the press conference arranged by the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation.  The first speaker was Bruce Knotts from the Unitarian Universalist Association whose main focus was a plant-based diet and mindfulness.  Branda Huang from the Tzu Chi Foundation informed that right from the beginning in 1996 sustainability was integrated into their mission.  Initially people ate a plant-based diet for religious reasons.  The focus has now shifted towards environmental protection.

Golo gave a brief introduction of the Brahma Kumaris, its environment policy, renewable energy projects and yogic farming.  He highlighted the connection between our inner and outer world.  He advised that yoga is one of the most powerful methods to accelerate the lifestyle change the world needs.

Press Conference 2

Valériane moderated the press conference “Interfaith Cooperation on Climate Change” which was organised by the Interfaith Liaison Committee.

Bishop Marc, of the Episcopal Church Diocese of California, reminded everyone that faith brings hope to people.  He said we can make a real difference in the world if our individual and collective choices are inspired by our faith.  Pranita from the Lutheran World Federation reminded us that youth has the capacity to bring change by applying creativity to the solutions.  Finola Finnan, Deputy Director of Trócaire, spoke about the amazing power of the Laudatio Si, the Papal environment declaration from 2015.  It not only gave a vision to the Catholics but also inspired the whole Christian community to ecological conversion and change of lifestyle.

Sister Jayanti emphasized that all faiths are united by their set of values and moral principles.  To understand the deeper meaning of respect means to care for the earth and others.  This is what the world needs.

Interfaith Co-ordination Meeting

Henrik Grape from WCC and Valériane from the Brahma Kumaris welcomed all the participants.  The former Chief of Staff of UNFCCC, Mr. Violetti, joined the meeting and officially received the Declaration towards the Climate conference of the Eastern Orthodox Church.  The participants reflected upon strategy and approach for the multi-faith network towards the next COP.  It was understood that a common topic will unite us and our voice.  A lively discussion crystallized into a few proposals that Valériane and Henrik now will finalize.

Carolin joined the IASS team for a dinner meeting.  They discussed the social and spiritual co-benefits of renewable energy.

Sustainia, a Danish-based environmental organisation, writes:  The stalemate characterizing 23 years of COP meetings suggests that we will not solve the tremendous climate challenges by using grand global summits – and there’s little reason to hope COP24 in Katowice will be any different.

Sister Jayanti, Sister Sonja and Brother Golo met Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Director Emeritus of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, and Sylvia Kotting-Uhl, a member of the German parliament who has a role in many groups concerned with the environment.

In reality, the climate challenge will first and foremost have to be solved in the private homes of the many.  So, it seems we are back to square one and the change has to come from us from within.

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