International Day of Yoga, Kiev, Ukraine

Kiev, Ukraine : Despite the very difficult situation in the city, the Embassy of India in Ukraine decided to celebrate International Yoga Day in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. 

As a regular participant in this event and as a member of the organizing committee, Brahma Kumaris Centre in Kiev was invited to take part in the event.

The Celebration took place in a big, well-equipped hall of a large business centre which also has a bomb shelter, which was a mandatory requirement.

The event was opened by Mr. Harsh Kumar Jain, Ambassador of India to Ukraine, Mr Oleg Torgalo, Chairman of the Ukraine-India Society and Dr. Jayant Kumar Das, Ayurveda.

According to the IDY protocol, the programme included speeches by embassy staff, performances by representatives of various yoga schools and Indian dances.

Brahma Kumaris, Kiev took an active part in the event: doing exercises, introducing the Brahma Kumaris main subject of Raja Yoga meditation, offering holy sweets,  giving blessing cards and spiritual drishti.

BK Sister NinaCentre in-charge explained the basics of Raja Yoga and conducted meditation with commentary.

After three years of almost total isolation, it was really a nice feeling to talk directly to the people again and see their shining eyes.
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