Launching of Youth for Global Peace Project on Jan 10


Ahmedabad: The Youth Wing of Brahma Kumaris is going to launch “Youth for Global Peace” Initiative at national level to empower the youth physically, mentally, socially, spiritually to face the current challenges.

Key dimensions of the project:

On the first Sunday of each month, a national event will be organized from the Youth Wing headquarters based on a theme. Other regional centers of the Brahma Kumaris, based on the same monthly theme will have programs such as online webinars, youth dialogues, competitions, youth challenges through social media, etc. The age limit is kept from 18 years to 35 years.

To join the project, kindly register.

You can check the website for more details and download the tool kit.

National e-Launching  for  Global Peace 

10 January 2021 | Sunday | 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM IST

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