Local Climate Conference of Youth (LCOY) in Austria


Vienna, Austria ( Europe ): Some 300 young people participated in the Local Climate Conference of Youth (LCOY) Austria that took place in Vienna. The content was well organized and more than 65 workshops were offered.

As participants are required to be under 30 years old to join the conference, BK Rainer and BK Stephanie from the BK centre in Vienna took part as volunteers supporting LCOY’s organization team.

It was a great chance to attend panel discussions with Austrian politicians who are involved in the environmental sector.  BKs took part in workshops to connect with organisations such as the World Wide Fund (WWF) for Nature, Global 2000, Scientists and Professors from Vienna Universities, as well as with individuals including Filmmaker Filip Antonio Malinowski.  He directed the film ‘Guardians of the Earth’.

BKs offered a workshop where all were spontaneously invited to contribute. BK Rainer spoke in a group about the importance of inner peace and power as well as our awareness towards the self, others and our planet.

The session was well attended and closed with a beautiful and powerful meditation experience.

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