Media Seminar for Journalists on “Role of Media in Creating a Golden Society” in Ujjain


Ujjain ( Madhya Pradesh ): A Media Seminar was organized by Brahma Kumaris of Ujjain and Nagda, at their Shivdarshandham Centre, on the “Role of Media in Creating a Golden Society“, for the Journalists.

The Seminar was addressed by Professor Kamal Dixit, Editor of Value Based Media, BK Usha, BK Centres in Charge, Ujjain; Mr. Lalit Srimal, Dainik Madhyanchal Editor

and Mr. Mahindra Kumar Sharma, GST Commissioner, Ujjain.

Prof. Kamal Dixit said, “Messages and thoughts delivered by Media influence the Mass which is taken advantage of by few people who want to rule over the Society for their selfish gains. Today the Aim and the Purpose of Media itself got changed. Apart from turning into a Business Industry, it has become more interested in the Politics, Administration, Crimes, Cricket and Celebrities. Matters related to Common Man and his Problems are no more the Subject of Media News”.

Prof. Kamal Dixit further said, “It’s time that Media and Journalists have to pay their attention more specially on Positive Thoughts and Moral Values, then only they can lend their cooperation and become responsible in Creating a Golden Society”. He said that the Spirituality is the main source of Positivity and Moral Values. That can only transform the Negativity in Attitude and Behavior of the people into Positivity. Spirituality emerges Morality in human Mind and Heart. Therefore, he said, Media must take the help of Spirituality.

Mr. Lalit Srimal said, “Journalism has an active role in eliminating Evil from Society”. He stressed on the need to have Positive Attitude to bring the change in Social Values and Human Behavior. He also said that such Seminars are very good and important to be held frequently.

BK Usha said that the consistent practice of Rajayoga Meditation, taught at the Centres, is the basis of transformation in life and many people practically found a change in their lifestyle, behavior and thinking. At the same time, they were able to face critical matters in their lives successfully. She said that Rajayoga can be helpful to improve the working skills of Journalists and can change their attitude, thereby they can make their Profession useful for Humanity.

News In Hindi:

उज्जैन। प्रजापिता ब्रह्माकुमारी ईश्वरीय विश्व विद्यालय के उज्जैन तथा नागदा केन्द्रों में स्वर्णिम समाज की रचना में मीडिया का योगदान विषय पर पत्रकारों के साथ एक संवाद का आयोजन किया गया था जिसम स्थानीय पत्रकारों के साथ मूल्यानुगत मीडिया के सम्पादक प्रोफेसर कमल दीक्षित, उज्जैन संभाग के ब्रह्माकुमारी केन्द्रों की प्रमुख उषा दीदी ने भाग लिया। उज्जैन में दैनिक मध्यांचल के सम्पादक ललित श्रीमाल तथा जी. एस. टी. कमिश्नर महेन्द्रकुमार शर्मा ने भी शिरकत की।
प्रोफेसर दीक्षित ने कहा कि मीडिया के माध्यम से प्रसारित जानकारियों तथा विचारों का प्रभाव लोगों पर पडता है। उसके इस प्रभाव का लाभ वर्तमान समय में समाज को नियंत्रित तथा अपने हितों के लिए प्रभावित करने वाले लोग उठा रहे हैं।
खुद मीडिया का आशय और मकसद बदल गया है। अब वह व्यवसायोन्मुख होने के साथ ही राजनीति, व्यवस्था, क्राइम, क्रिकेट ओेर सेलिब्रिटी केन्द्रित है। उसकी सूचना और विचारों के केन्द्र में सामान्य जन तथा उसकी समस्यायें नहीं हैं।
स्वर्णिमसमाज के निर्माण के लिए मीडिया तथा पत्रकारों को सकारात्मक तथा मानव सरोकारी मूल्यों से अपने को जोडना होगा तभी वह ऐसे समाज की रचना में सहयोगी हो सकता है।

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