Medical Conference on ‘Mind-Body Medicine’ at Mysore: Sister Shivani Addresses


Mysore: A conference for doctors was hosted by the Medical Wing of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya at Mysore on Sunday, 24th Feb 2019 at the Karnataka State Open University Convocation Hall.

About 1000 doctors participated in the day long deliberations, Brahma Kumaris Welcomed by applying ‘Tilak’ on their foreheads and greeted with flowers to all Doctors at the entrence of the door and returned fulfilled with the inputs for achieving excellence in their profession.

The Conference was inaugurated by Padma Shri Dr.G.Bhaktavatsalam, Chairman, KG Hospital, Coimbatore. In his inaugural address Dr. Bhaktavatsalam said that belief in God is an option which we must explore to have a better doctor-patient coordination. If this belief is instilled by the doctor in his patients, recovery can be faster, because the whole universe revolves round belief systems. It is also necessary for doctors to love the patients despite their doubtful tendencies.

Dr. B.Suresh, Vice Chancellor of JSS University, Mysore while delivering his address as the Chief Guest noted that dopamine and serotonin which are the chemicals emanating in the brain are important to soothe the mind which is volatile in nature. Meditation helps in discharging such chemicals so that individuals are in a better position to take decisions when matter.

Dr. Suresh Rudrappa, President Elect of Indian Medical Association, Mysore Chapter attended the inaugural session as the Guest of Honor. Dr. Rudrappa lauded the efforts of Brahma Kumaris in organizing such events which are very much necessary for a doctor to perform better in his profession. He commended the role of sisters in imparting the correct type education that the society needs at the present juncture.

Dr. BK Banarsi Bhai, Secretary of Medical Wing explained the activities of the wing. Dr.BK Vishwanath Kini, Senior Consultant Radiologist, Qatar welcomed the  guests and the gathering.

BK Karuna Bhai, Chairperson of Media Wing, Brahma Kumaris, Mount Abu who chaired the session said that God has arrived in Bharat to uplift the humanity from the rut they find themselves in. He welcomed one and all to Mount Abu, the God’s place.

Dr. BK Mohit Gupta gave a presentation on ‘Revealing the Secrets of Mind’. He said that today science has proved that silencing the mind is necessary for better delivery of essential health services by the doctors. Mind has got enormous powers which need to be harnessed. Mind has the power to transform any type of personality provided proper nourishment like creating positive thoughts and practicing meditation are given to it at regular intervals. He gave his own example as to how he could recover from a critical brain surgery after changing his mode of thinking.

Sister BK Shivani delivered lectures on ‘Healing the Healer’ and ‘Creating a Miracle-Celebrating Life’ which deeply influenced the participating doctors. She emphasized the need for the doctors to make life style changes that they themselves advocate their patients to follow.  She said that positive affirmations can transform food to ‘Prasad’ and water to ‘Amruth. This methodology can also be imbibed by patients to recover from illnesses. She advised the doctors to learn Rajyoga Meditation in any Brahma Kumari centre and practice it every day to bring changes in their outlook that they have been longing to achieve.

Sister Shivani also said that doctors need to take care of themselves first, because in their enthusiasm of treating patients they usually forget their own life pattern. The changes in thought process are critical in enhancing the quality of service delivery. Therefore, every doctor has to give a certain amount of time for his personal advancement in which he has to practice observing the quality of his own thinking. Such observations lead to positive affirmations and a positive change in life style. Right thoughts created at right times can bring miracles in the lives of doctors.

Sister BK Lakshmiji, Chief Coordinator of Brahma Kumaris, Mysore Sub Zone thanked one and all and gave away godly gifts and mementos to the honored guests.

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