National Social Conference on Self Empowerment Held in Madurai


Madurai (TN), 17 Nov 2019: The Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa  Vidyalaya’s  Social Service Wing of Rajayoga Education and Research Foundation in coordination with Nehru Yuva Kendra, Madurai District, The International Association of Lions Clubs District 324 and Rotary International District -3000 jointly   organized the National level Conference on SELF EMPOWERMENT FOR EXCELLENCE IN SOCIAL SERVICE at Raja Muthiah Mandram Madurai. In this conference  specially Rajayogini BrahmaKumari Pushpa Didiji, Director of Rajayoga Centres, RajaYogi Brahmakumar Bro. Amirchand ,Vice Chairman, Social Service wings of Brahmakumaris, Hon’ble  justice Thiru Dr.P. Jothimani  Chairman, State Monitoring Committee of National Green Tribunal for Solid waste management in Tamil Nadu, Dr.B.K.Pandiamani,Director Value Education of Brahmakumaris, Mount abu, Rajasthan participated. Its Inaugural function was started with Blessings of Rajayogini B.K.Meenakshi Director Brahmakumaris Madurai Sub-Zone.

In her Presidential address Didi Pushpaji  told that for doing social service, self  empowerment is most essential. For all the person born in this world has his own responsibility. We should not see the defects of others. Instead we should correct ourselves. God created the world with full of peace and unity only.Hence we should change the present the world filled with full of grief.  What God teaches us is that we should give only happiness not grief.  When we do the service to society and nature God will surely help us. For doing the service to society we should have full faith and strength on God.

For all round development of individual, nature, economy, science, spirituality, Technology, political integrity,education “ Social service “ is the foundation. The Role of social workers is great. For all the persons engaging in social service, to face the challenges and threats, strong mental ability is essential to achieve the set-goal.

Rajyogi Bro. Amirchand in his address informed that appreciating the service of BrahmaKumaris, the Govt. of India have designated the Chief of Brahma Kumaris Dadi Janaki as Ambassador for Bharat Swachha Abhiyan. For making the life as value oriented, education is taught to students in Brahma Kumaris Institution. Special concentration is paid for the have-nots (poor) and doing service to them. We should awaken the positive spiritual energy  inside us and make our lives prosperous through meditation.

Though we are having external support and infrastructures, to face the challenges and become successful,  it is essential to equip us with selfless-service and untired mentality through soul power and God power. Hence in this world self empowerment with full protection is most essential.

Initially B.K. Selvi welcomed all the delegates. Dr. Pandiamani gave introduction of the Institution and spotlighted on the services done by Brahma Kumaris briefly.

Dr. A. Zamir Basha, District Governor 2019-20  Rotary District 3000, special guest ,in his address offering felicitation informed that selfless service is more important that self-service. Brahma Kumaris are doing service to establish Peace without any selfish motive. The meaning of spirituality itself is divinity. When we do every work with remembrance of God it turns into Divinity. In Manu Sastra also it has been said that we should do every thing with Godly work.

Brahma Kumari Uma, conducted meditation session and gave experience of Peace to get relief from stress.

In various inspirational session on the subject of New dimension of social service narrated that the present life style and quality  has become totally changed. To make our future life as prosperous we should give attention on the present time life. We should do beneficial actions knowing the karma philosophy. Insteading of thinking the problems in mind, we should create positive thoughts.

B.K.Kothai, Managing Director, Sri Ramalinga Mills, aruppukottai in her address informed that the meaning of spirituality is understanding, realizing and adopting. To become a Donor  lot of money is not essential; instead Broad mind is required.Then only we can do service to society with full satisfaction. Since Brahma Kumais are having magnanimous mind they are doing social service world-wide.

Further discussions were held on the topic  The need of spirituality for a happy and peaceful life. In the events Bro. Deenadayalan, Administrator, Tapovan Kodai Hills Resort said that spirituality helps to understand all in family. With spirituality we can change the negative thoughts and into positive. Further Rajakumari Jeevakan, founder of GMS Foundation and Vazhai foods, Brahma Kumari Radhika, Rameswaram also take active participation in the discussions.

In the valedictory session Thiru K.G. Prakash and Perrys President Bro. Mahendravel along offered felicitations.

In this programme more than 800 social workers attended and benefited

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