President of India Ram Nath Kovind Condoles Demise Of Dadi Hridaya Mohini


Delhi: The Honorable President of India, Ram Nath Kovind, condoled the demise of Dadi Hridayamohini, Head of Brahma Kumaris. In a letter addressed to Rajyogini BK Asha, Director of ORC Gurgaon, he said that he is extremely saddened by the passing away of Dadi Hridayamohini.

Honorable President said that Dadi Hridayamohini made an appreciable contribution regarding Rajayoga Meditation and Divine Vision. She dedicated her entire life to service of humanity. She is known for following and popularizing the practice of Rajayoga. Her life will always inspire all of us to serve the nation and society.


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