
Pune: A series of articles are being published in Lokmat newspaper every thursday.

Mumbai: Brahma Kumaris, Santacruz, Mumbai centre has organised a Summer Camp for Children between 6 to 13 years of age on Personality Development. This programme was covered by DNA Newspaper (Page-4)

The Speaking Tree, weekly supplement of Times of India, Sunday edition has published about the Brahma Kumaris under the heading ” Passage to India” on 25th April 2010

News published in Delhi Newspaper

Renukoot News in ‘HINDALCO SANDESH’ magazine, A magazine of one of the Biggest Factory of Aluminium in ASIA

Karimnagar (AP) : Sakshi Daily Newspaper Published an article on Brahma Kumaris Institution & It’s Services

Shiv Jayanti Press Coverage


Renukoot(UP) :

Abu Road:

Varanasi: Brahma Kumaris to teach Value-Education in Central Schools.

Bahrain’s ‘TimeOut Bahrain’ magazine published ‘Mind Over Matter’ under ‘Body & Mind’ Column in its Nov.,09 Issue.
Jamkhandi Service News Coverage.
Spiritual Festival for Joyful Life in Kota News Coverage.
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Brahmakumaris Chandrapur had conducted a Value Based Group Dance Competition for Etv Marathi.
Rajyogini B.K. Sheilu Behen, was honoured with ‘Human Rights Award’ News coverage in “The Tribune”.
Dadi Janki at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Melbourne – News publish in Shukrwar Magazine
Global Festival programme wide Media Coverage – Ahmednagar.
Dadi Janki in Vishwa Dharma Sansad with other Religious Leaders published in Dainik Jagran.
Article published on Shantivan’s Solar System (14/12/09)
Advertisement published in various Newspapers in Ahmednagar.

Press Coverage of Flood Relief Service in Karnataka (Oct-09)
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Dadi Janki’s interview during Religious Wing Seminar published in Democratic World (1-15, Oct-09)
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The Asian Age News paper published the photograph of the people on the launching of ‘Global Festival’ (04/10/09)
On the occassion of Idd Mubarak at bhadohi, Varanasi is published in Hindusthan & Aaj (22/09/09)
Interview with Dadi Janki is published in Panjab Kesari (07/09/09)
Dadi Janki showers blessings on child artist during Religious wing Seminar at Gyan Sarovar (25/08/09)
Interview of Dadi Janki is published in The Tribune (24/08/09)
Interview of Dadi Janki is published in Life Positvie Magazine (April 2009)
Interview of Dadi Janki is published in New Woman Magazine (April 2009).
A Special Issue (July 2009) on Brahma Kumaris has been published in ‘Sadhana Path” Magazine.
Interview of BK Shivani is published in Times Of India in Nashik’s Edition (13/06/09)
‘India Link’ Magazine published a article on ‘All roads to spiritual bliss lead to one destination’