Prime Minister Modi Urges Support from Brahma Kumaris in Dealing With Corona Epidemic


Mount Abu: Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with leaders of social and spiritual organisations, urges them to spread awareness about the disease and help with volunteers on ground.

In dealing with the Coronavirus Epidemic in India,  Prime Minister Narendra Modi talked to the Heads of 16 Spiritual organizations of India, asking for their support.  Sister BK Jayanti, European and Middle East Director of Brahma Kumaris; Shri Ravi Shankar, Art of Living;  Baba Ramdev, Yoga Guru and Founder of Patanjali; Bhaiyaji Joshi, RSS; Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Isha Foundation; Ishwar Sharan, Swami Narayan Akshardham Mandir; and Father Paul, Pandits of Shri Satya Sai Sewa Organization; were amongst those who participated in this video conference.

The Prime Minister urged support from these Spiritual leaders on four accounts, namely:

  1. Awareness,
  2. Making available Food for the poor,
  3. Dedicating the Medical facilities of these organizations fully towards dealing with Corona patients,
  4. Using their cadres for bringing awareness and disseminating right information to the masses.  At a time like this, lack of faith can make matters worse.  Hence, any positive message by these organizations at this time will reach people in the cities as well as the villages very fast.

Sister Jayanti, Director of European and Middle East Godly Services of Brahma Kumaris, apprised the Prime Minister of the steps being taken by the Organization to deal with this epidemic.

The Prime Minister appreciated the efforts being made by these organizations to make successful the steps taken by the government in dealing with this unprecedented challenge of Coronavirus.  He highlighted the capability, social outreach and incredible service temperament of the members of these organizations, which made him approach them for co-operation.

The Prime Minister started his dialogue with BK Jayanti by condoling the passing away of Brahma Kumaris Chief Dadi Janki.

Sister Jayanti told the Prime Minister that activities and classes at 4,000 Brahma Kumaris service centers in the country are currently suspended.  But all the teachers and members of the Divine family are actively engaged in meditating for creating a powerful environment. The Peace of Mind Channel is working 24 hours to keep up the morale of the people. Three buildings at Mount Abu have been given for isolation of at least 1,000 patients.  The staff of the Global Hospital is fully dedicated to deal with this epidemic.  The Brahma Kumaris will also pitch in toward the Prime Minister Relief Fund. Brahma Kumaris community kitchens will also be pressed into service.  She also extended co-operation for any other service that the Prime Minister deems fit for the Brahma Kumaris. She said that the main power of Brahma Kumaris is the power of silence through which they connect with the Supreme Soul to benefit other souls.

News in Hindi:

Narendra Modi Ji की Brahmakumari संस्था से Live बातचीत | BK Jayanti Didi Live With Modi

देश दुनिया में बिगड़ते हालातों को देख के भारत के प्रधानमंत्री माननीय नरेंद्र मोदी जी ने सभी आध्यात्मिक संस्थाओं से Video Conferencing द्वारा राय सलाह की| ब्रह्माकुमारीज़ संस्था का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हुए BK Jayanti Didi ने इस में भाग लिया| तो आइये देखें पुरे कार्यक्रम की विस्तारपूर्ण जानकारी |


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