Raja Yoga Centre in Hong Kong Participate as a “Peace  Messenger” at UNESCO led “7th Peacemakers Cultural Celebration 2019” in Hong Kong


Hong Kong: Raja Yoga Centre Limited participated in the UNESCO led “7th Peacemakers Cultural Celebration 2019”.  The event was held at the prestigious and vast Hong Kong Science Park.

The overall program was earmarked with several cultural, fine arts, musical and spiritual activities, conducted by several invited groups and organizations.

The Raja Yoga Centre  Limited   participated  in the event  as a “Peace  Messenger”  to conduct  the following  topics:

  • An Introduction to the “True Self”
  • An experience  of Rajayoga Meditation

The Raja Yoga centre was invited to conduct the session for children. However,adult members of the society we.re also intrigued by the topic and attended the presentation.

The presentation  was  inaugurated   by a group  of dignitaries  who were  invited  by UNESCO. From the Raja Yoga Centre limited  Hong Kong side, this panel of dignitaries  was represented by the Centre fn Charge of the Kowloon  Centre – BK Bindu.

In his opening  speech,  the UNESCO Project Coordinator of Hong Kong mentioned that Raja Yoga Centre Limited has been promoting the message of peace in Hong Kong and is an important  part of this UNESCO celebration.

BK members  from  the  Kowloon   and  Hong  Kong Centres   participated    in   the  preparation    and conduct of this program,  with  a lot of zeal and enthusiasm.  During the program,  BK members distributed  flyers of the organization’s  activities in Hong Kong, to the general public.

This   was  the   first   time   that  Raja  Yoga  Centre Limited  was invited  to participate  in this kind of a program  of UNESCO, thanks to the spreading of services throughout  Hong Kong.

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