Tribute to Centenarian – Simply White, Simply Beautiful


Tribute to Centenarian – Simply White, Simply Beautiful.

That was Dadi Janki (Chief of Brahma Kumaris), who shed her mortal coil on March 27. She was 104.

Dancing is an exhilarating experience, enabling empowerment, education and enlightenment. As artistes, certain moments come by in our lives, evidently with blessings from Providence that open the doors to knowing ourselves better, not only though the art but also through awareness in every action. They are the cherishable few occasions that provide a lifetime opportunity. We ought to grab, savour and recapitulate them. One such episode was the centenary celebrations of Dadi Janki, one of the most elevated spiritual world leaders and chief of the Brahma Kumaris — the largest movement led by women.

The pristine purity of Madhuban at Mt. Abu seems like a dream, making one wonder whether this could be ‘Paradise on Earth.’ The campus is on its own, a self-sufficient kingdom but with no showmanship of any ruler, auxiliary attendant or staff. Every face we meet is happy, welcoming and non-fussy, which is seldom seen these days. The one and only Mantra for greeting, bidding, or beckoning is OM SHANTI. The protagonist, Dadi Janki, appeared in a wheelchair with an assistant and a few other Sevaks, as we were taken to her chamber. It was out of habit that a few of us went ahead to touch the feet to which she smiled and said: “Here all are the same, please do not fall at my feet.” We were speechless, just to see her lustrous demeanour. Is she really a full one hundred years old? The bewitching child-like smile reminded one of Bala, the baby Goddess, before our eyes without any paraphernalia whatsoever. Simply white and simply beautiful, inside-out. A Goddess Saraswati, without any conspicuous tool.

Full of grace, Dadi Janki was radiant, endowed with a celestial countenance, a picture of bountiful grace. If one’s subtle vibration can capture such aura, it is actually mind-blowing. Apparently, the organisation, which does not affiliate itself to any particular religion and the typical Guru-Sishya lineage, believes that each one is the Supreme Atma personified. All the same, since there is a method of Raja Yoga taught and a unique way of living that becomes the charter, the importance of good teaching and guidance is maintained. As for the huge gathering of crowd, there were no formalities at the institution’s doorstep and no fee collected, much to our surprise. It seemed like home-coming for most people.

Dadiji became an avid listener too as she heard us, as the TV channel Peace of Mind of Godlywood studio took an interview. “Movements of animals, birds and forms in nature, having been adapted in Yoga Asanas and the units of movement in dance, incorporate many of these Asanas in a graceful and lyrical fashion. Muni Patanjali was inspired by the vision of the Lord of Chidambaram, Nataraja, and hence it is evident that Yoga is an indispensable ingredient in Natya.” Dadiji agreed thereafter that the eight limbs — Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi — form an essential part of any Yoga Sadhana, including Raja Yoga and Natya Yoga. “Chittavritti Nirodha” or control of thoughts and senses, is a must in Yoga as the body, breath and mind together move towards the soul. The withdrawal and peaceful relaxation go together. It was wonderful to become acquainted with the meditation taught by this organisation, coupled with adherence to discipline and good conduct, whereby one never disregards another soul.

The meditation in Raja Yoga that kindles the light in the point between the eyebrows (Ajna Chakra, or the third eye) focuses on the Supreme light/ SHIVBABA, God as Patita-pavana Paramatma. During the interview that she gave to media, there were a few significant sentences that come to memory: “Yoga is awareness, a Sadhana of human to divine consciousness. The modern system looks after just physical health, whereas the term Health encompasses a complete mental, social, physical and spiritual well-being. Raja Yoga meditation changes the internal physiological response to environmental circumstances, thereby creating an adaptive and positive response. The power of the mind to resist disease is increased enormously as the subconscious level is healed and higher consciousness is awakened.”

The auditorium had a capacity of at least 10,000 spectators and was overflowing much before the events commenced. The performance by our team was on Shivdarshan and Srishti Chakra, an old composition on the principles, practice and aim of the world community of Brahma Kumaris. It was heart-filling to receive blessings from all the frontline Brothers and Sisters, led by Dadi Janki, both before and after the recital. At Dadi Janki’s much-awaited speech on the occasion, she said, “At least, put an end to the crisis within your own mind when you can’t do much about the crisis outside of you. Flexibility means converting your problems into teachers. Never lose hope, never give up — if the task is given, you will also get the power to fulfil it. Light and Might are with you as your Right from God. You can bend only when you are strong. Be like the lotus, take what is useful, but do not let the dirt spoil your beauty. Sorrow makes one sick and scared, so do not take it from anyone. If you allow the negative in word, thought or form to enter you, then it is due to your weakness. Always ask what you have to do at this moment in time and not past or future.”

A great soul chooses wise words, understands the value of words, uplifting, true, boosting our spirits. Only a powerful soul can afford to be humble and offer love.

Health is not merely a precious possession, but a resource in which the entire community, nation and world has a stake. Being a birthright, it is one treasure which neither science nor wealth can buy. To gain this, one would readily give up everything. Here again, if we analyse, we perhaps covet some parts of ourselves more than the rest and if a stage comes when we got to choose between this body part and that, it is finally the breath or life force that we do not wish to give up! Meditation on the breath through Yoga as in dance does help.

Dadi Janki had a hand that never would hurt, a tongue that never would pierce, and a mind that never would tremble or waver. A life of beautiful balance between head, heart and hand. A caring, sharing and inspiring figure. Om Shanti!

Ms. Padmaja Suresh

(The author is a Bharatnatyam Exponent and Researcher)

Courtesy: Article Published in the ‘The Hindu‘ Newspaper, Chennai, India (10-02-2020)

Tibute to Dadi Janki (The Hindu)

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