The Future of Power Dialogue in Five Dock, Sydney


Sydney (Australia): ​A very succ​e​ssful FOP Day Dialogue was held at the Brahma Kumaris Centre in Five Dock, Sydney in Australia on the 10th June, 2017 Thirty Nine participants from very diverse professions took part. Some of them took flights from other Cities like Melbourne to attend the event.This was the 66th FOP event in the World. BK Charlie presented a session during the event. The facilitator for the event was a new ‘find’ Kalvinder (Kal) Shields. Kal is a Professor of Economics at the University of Melbourne. She is a BK of many years standing.

Our thanks also go to the Sydney BKs who were constantly in the background and provided every help. They also helped provide a sumptuous Lunch by Raj who is a local Celebrity Chef (and a BK!) – our thanks also go to Morni who gave the Meditation experience and took care of all the arrangements. Nizarbhai conducted the main Session and took the participants into a guided tour of how to bring spirituality into their everyday lives and make their lives happier, peaceful and worthwhile; whilst continuing with their lokik responsibilities, as he does!

In addition to the FOP event, there was also an early morning pre-breakfast get together organised by ‘Kal’ for Nizarbhai of the Founders of the ‘Calm in the City’ group in Melbourne. Nizarbhai met and shared his experiences, followed by a discussion. In addition, Nizarbhai was also invited to give short talks to the “Leadership Roundtable” in Sydney and Melbourne, organised by Victor Perton, who organises event like the Commonwealth Conference and who has now become a good friend of the BKs.

Neetu Gupta and The Future of Power Team Communications

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